How to end the war on drugs - the ones that destroy lives and kill anyhow... Not on that list: Cannabis.
As simple as it is, it is the truth. Stop doing them.
In my research for Cannabis education I have found over and over many drugs, many legal - all far more harmful than cannabis. I even learned that Sugar was first considered a drug and it’s health concerns made apparent from day one - yet look at it, as it is today... IN everything. That is another toon.
The only conclusion I come to time and time again is, it is all BULLSHIT.
IF the powers that be - were so concerned for our well being they would be removing sugar off the market before cannabis.
If THEY were really worried about our personal safety they would be removing candles off the market instead of telling people what plants they can and cannot grow.
There are so many drugs that destroy your life. Cannabis does NOT appear to be one of them. The only thing you can blame for destroying your life are the choices that you make in it.
IF THEY cared about us they would spend the time educating us, teaching us that yes if you use these drugs chances are - STATISTICS are you may die (but they would have to do that on alcohol and tobacco and THEY made them both legal) If you don’t die you may still lose your job, family and children and all you ever cared for.
But they would have to say that about all items that are in fact LEGAL. Items approved for our consumption. Aspartame for one..
“The monkeys in this study were served their aspartame in an orally consumed milk based formula.
Starting about 7 months (218 days) into the experiment, ALL the medium and high dose monkeys began having brain seizures.
“All animals in the medium and high dosage groups exhibited seizure activity. Seizures were observed for the first time following 218 days of treatment… The seizures were of the grand mal type… One monkey, m38, of the high dose group, died after 300 days of treatment. The cause of death was not determined…”
Grand mal seizures also known as tonic clonic seizures are horrific – a very dangerous seizure which affects the entire brain.”
I’m a little obsessed with the brain these days, any wonder?
O.K., can anyone explain it to me? The insanity of this all?
I’m kidding. I get it... I know it’s all about the $$$.
What I don’t get, is WHY we continue to let it happen.
Don’t Grow medicine that can help you and make you feel better and get healthy, here chew this gum that will cause you a slow painful death but hey, someone is getting rich somewhere.
What is even more mind blowing is someone who knows about Asparatame will eat a piece of gum tomorrow or will drink another diet soda. They will make that choice. YET we cannot make the healthier choice legally.
It is all about personal choice.
Getting high is a natural desire “it’s why little kids spin in a circle” IF, instead of lies - educate and instead of making criminals - created educated beings that will have a fair chance in this life. IF they truly cared.
What will you choose to do?
xox <><