We leave tomorrow!
I am so EXCITED! It's all come together.
At the last minute of course, well 'last week' - we
my Sherpa (a.k.a. Norman and I) made a new Photo display! Norm made me a new Hempy Stalker display!
It is perfect! Fits with the entire vibe!!
The bags arrived! My first official printed Product!
51% hemp bags with an original Georgia Toons design!
I only printed 100 and will never re-print that design.
I am very excited about my bags. For only $20. you will get:
-GeorgiaToons bag (limited edition) 51% hemp (it's a start!)
- Set of Georgia Toons post cards
- Issue of Treating Yourself Magazine
-Copy of Cannabis Digest
-Scruffy Card & envelope
-Happy Hippie Comic Book
-Information from 3 different compassion clubs
-Samples of Quintessential tips
and * A sample of HEMPWICK.
*Note - Hempwick sent me a package on the 11th - still not here - thank you Canada post
;-( BUT I am optimistic it will still be here in time - if so in the bag they go!!!
- ONE Ticket for a chance to win 'Running with buddha.' ODDs 1/100.
(OR LESS! depending on sales of bag) < great odds.
Please consider showing your support by purchasing a bag. A deal worth over $35.
The sales of these bags will hopefully cover the cost of the EXPO and the rest will go towards new glasses for me and hearing aids for Storm ♥ ;-) More importantly I hope it will be a package that people will enjoy, smile and be a little more educated and help them get started on the road to healthy healing using a natural Herb! Hopefully it can help eliminate some stress what we went through.
Thank you to all who made my bag possible:
Ivan (life saver-helped me with final art), Rene- for the great offer of the bags and doing all the running around (Bizmates, on my links page- finds all sorts of awesome HEMP products) Cathy for helping me sort the stuff to go in the bags, MOM for helping me stuff the bags. CALM, Section 56, Medical Cannabis Access Society, Quintessential Tips and Hemp Wick for all the awesome donation of material and samples.
I get by with a little help from my friends. xox
I have had several e mail from people on Fb who are also interested in the bags. IF I have any left after the EXPO I will offer them to the first who ask, for $20. +shipping. BUT when these bags are gone, they are gone. I don't even have enough stuff to stuff any more stuff ;-)
I am so excited! Back to work! See you soon!! xox