For what ever reason -I lose all inhibitions when pallet painting! Let lose & have fun! Someone was only going to burn or toss it.
* These are nice pallets, I have a few friends and these come direct from a factory for me!
They have a smooth wooden surface. Note - I do offer pallet art of all my pallets to the provider. ;) Its all part of the process.
Together we have created art! That might just last a little longer on a wall rather than a landfill!! They are still.. some thought, some work and lots of paint. This pallet in particular - (not doing that intentionally- hee hee hee) was inspired from a simple Octopus I saw painted on a pallet on PIN, an another few days ago - for what ever reason it stuck and I wanted to have fun - I am right NOW- in between drying (when I PIN) painting another on paper! 'Swim at your own risk'. Taking me much longer than the Pallet did. Loving every MOMENT.
The idea is that they will be for sale at the Art in the garden show on the 9th - but... lol
I have no problems if they don't go. Very affordable for original art - that is the idea- have fun! Display art! Art is not about a gallery - Art is everywhere - Look at the Gallery God provides! I see it in every snail. ;)
Speaking of Snail, I received some wonderful snail mail from Japan, hand written of beautiful paper. It puts e mail to shame. My friend Yasunori Abe and I have made an agreement to not e mail or FB but snail mail. I met him at the first EXPO, he speaks no english and I no Japanese and today we are friends - Good friends.
See what love & the universe does, when you let it.
His letters are pure joy to sit and read. I also have a friend David who rights such entertaining letter - They are now ready by at least 5 people. lol I see his letters and a smile instantly crosses my face.
So on my desk today 2 new snail riders! A Bee and a Butterfly!
It is death day! I think I'll celebrate - how else - turn off the computer - Go paint! Draw- Go outside and look at nature. Gods gallery. There is no better inspiration.
BTW.. I have snail action!! I set up a tiny tank on my desk, what better way to study my favourite specimen... today I see I have Snail action! Movement! lol Finally - I was not sure If I found empties. They will move out to the pond at a later date unless I bond. ;)
More on snails soon.. NOW time to draw!!
xox Have faith
<>< Happy Earth Day!