Every-time I look at this I giggle, both Storm and Norm look at me and wonder why.
Because. It was the perfect quote for me & my little friend.
It is mixed media and one of the times I really wish you could see the original.
The shell is covered with a gold clear finish. The paper was HEMP - LOVE drawing on hemp with water color crayons, it blended really nicely.
Thank you to Quintessential Tips for my great paper! My friend Candice from QT has me considering Prague in Nov., a cannabis expo and some amazing art! Hmmmmmm...
I was on my way to bed and looked at the beginning of this sketch and sat down to play, I stop to check out PIN when drawing, I need a little 'dry time' in between stages - enough where my hand won't make a mess dragging across the paper.
More inspiration, more dreaming. ;) I think I should stay off, I could just get into trouble I think. I have a tendency to do... never of course with the intentions of doing so purposely - I get carried away in such creativity! I DO!
It was so peaceful, I plan on making night time drawing a routine.
It is easy (er) IMO to draw get lost without all the interruptions of the day - between the dogs barking at squirrels to street traffic. I am too, blessed with the fact that I don't have to live by a clock. Why not!?
I have kermit the frog head phones for my music! I am all set.
I am trying very hard to live with what is happening, drawing can be a challenge - with constant interruptions from my own head every few moments. I do what I have to do and draw what I want to draw. We learn...we adapt we continue and hopefully throw in as much fun as possible. Look at that content frog... he makes me smile. He is O.k. with-in.
I will make a new trail.
Tonight - a new creation!
Oh - lol - I was thinking I was going to post on FB
- 'Free cartoon to the first person who gets me a new snail!'
*Thinking - it would be one of my local pals - like Cathy, Sue, Marie - Liam lol
- on their adventures - would surely pick up a snail and bring it!
BUT then I thought - OMGosh!
What if people read it on FB & I start to get Snail Mail!!!
LOL! How cool would that be! Hahaha
I crack me up.
NOT if I was sent a few of those 101b snails!
Poppy would NOT be imprressed!
There is a drawing!! I can't wait!
First to finish some doggy doodles for a friend.
I am child of God created to create. I hope you like it.
Did it make you smile!? Then my task is complete.
No - oh well, I tried and will try again.
I will succeed- I have great power in me.
Have Faith.