The more I learn about them, the beauty, color the intricate detail, many of us just crunch on over. I am attracted to them, I did set up my little snail tank and found some by the pond but I believe now, I found 'emptied shells'... I'm patient, I can wait... That's it! Patience!!!
I am not patient lately and my friends know it... I have this sense of urgency!
Do it today! Tomorrow might never come!
I send random e mail - feeling - they need to know!
I send random e mail telling people stuff at all hours. Sometimes business advice - usually not asked for, art inspirations, places they should visit, sofas they can sleep on - I'll help arrange it! LOL... I bug them - What are you doing? What are you painting? Are you keeping creative? Do you miss me? - I miss you ... I invite myself to their homes and I've yet to receive a 'NO'. So, Passport page 'one' has been filled out.
I have come to the conclusion only again last night - some of my most talented friends - need to hear it! Think about it, do you put yourself out there every day? Share with the world and hope you have inspired, made someone smile?
Do you tell people who inspire you, you love them? Don't you? Why not?
Why is it easier to think I hate that... I hate you.
Perhaps even saying it to someone.
Yet, tell someone you love them, it's hard BUT they too have a hard time hearing it.
I know, people must wonder - what is she after. Frankly, nothing.
I do not NEED anything - except - peace of mind. God helps me with that.
I've decided to start to change that if only 'in my mind'.. today I will whisper in my mind
'I love you' to every other living being that crosses my path.
I will say it 'out loud' to a few as well.
I don't care if they have a hard time hearing it.
I mean it.
Storm suggested I call my snail series "Riders on the Snail..." instantly the tune was in my head a smile across my face! Is that not the best song for a snail ride?? LOL!
Poppy is on her 10lb snail, riding all over the backyard! I see it now. Storm sang a few lines that has just had me cracking up again! A new song will be on the way to accompany my little snail adventures.
Today - I'm drawing an owl on a snail for someone I love.
They won't know it - until they get it in the mail.
Like it or not.
TELL someone - Tell everyone!
If only in your mind when passing them in the street!
It's got to make for a better day!
Have faith <><