LOL - BUT not what most of you are thinking!
I do - ask Norm!
He loves it! Why? Because he is the benefactor of all my lovin thoughts.
I do! I dream about spending my time with a few of my guy friends! I am attracted to them! NOT ‘them’ I am attracted to what they BE!
For example - Ivan (of Ivan Art) is starting to build his yearly FLOAT in Switzerland! LOL!
YOU Better believe I’m wishing I was there helping, as I sit here with my downscaled paper mache project! LOL Learning from a master!! I would be there in a heartbeat.
Other days I dream about watching the waves as Josh Boulet and I doodle, sitting on the beach and we will draw all we see.
Me & Jerry - in the shop watching Laughing Buddha BURN bright!! Any day or night! LOL! Jessica too...
But today- I’m spending time with Stephen Boehme (If only in my mind).
I have not met or even talked to Stephen, we have exchanged a few FB messages.
I follow Stephen! lol No, not in real life... luckily, we live a fair distance. (giggling)
Not just on FB but on P.I.N.
How wonderful to be inspired by other artists and PIN - it makes it easy.
Stephen is a glass artist - see for yourself!
For all you glass artist lovers who are as passionate he shares his gift! He even has tutorials on his site. Stephen does it all it appears. I especially love his clay!
For whatever reason - I love it, it's like looking at the page of a wonderful story book!
It’s creative, funky and DIFFERENT. It catches my attention and keeps it. Some artist ‘live’ to create and Stephen is one, IMO. His FB posts make me smile - he just seems like an all around good guy. Why wouldn’t I want to spend time with these people!
I do! I get to see what they make every day! And yes, I am blessed - I can e mail them, talk, ask questions and even have some original work. They respond to and encourage many more than just me.
This is who I want to spend my time, 'mental time' with some days, as I said, Norm loves it - It makes me more creative - He gets to see the rewards and it keeps me HAPPY. He just wants to know who these guys are that I mention from 'time to time'. lol ;)
‘Sexual fantasies.. I don’t have any lately it seems..
I don’t need them.
Happy Life - Happy Wife!!
My artistic daydreams are limitless - seeing and knowing such inspiring creative people makes me want them to become realities! Create! Make beautiful objects like these gentlemen are creating.
Create anything that makes you feel good simply by looking at it.
These people make me a better artist and person!
Stephen also appears to be a good dad, his son has his dads talent!
FB can allow us wonderful glances into talented families. I know he must have a great relationship with his wife! He is always in the studio! LOL!
Sometimes you can’t even speak to me, I’m so deep in thought. We can relate.
A supportive partner - only makes an artist flourish. ❤
Anyhow, I just think his creations are very inspiring.
Of course I think about hanging out in the studio with Stephen.. for now - I’m off to my little ‘studio’ and about to start some clay!
A project I would like to think - when Stephen sees it- he might think - he wants to hang out with me - in my studio! lol
Support ARTISTS.
They make our hearts and home brighter.
Soon... My other favorite glass guy.
Just his smile - makes me want to smile...
his love for others - makes me want to ‘BE!’
With friend like these.. I never focus on enemies.
I know I skipped a day.. such is life.
I needed to be ‘clay ready’ & inspired & not tired. ;)
I have only included tiny fraction of his work below
Please view his pages for more! You can also find Stephen on Facebook
xox Have Faith <><