I am drawing a green sloth for my newest barter agreement.
With a talented young lady in Taiwan. From what I see she draws mostly on her iPad.
It’s not just the drawing I like - but her creativity!
I think she would make a good cartoonist as she gets the point across with a single drawing.
I watched for bit, she follows me - its how we were introduced, I asked her 'what do you want..' A GREEN SLOTH. lol A Sloth it is and I learned some pretty amazing sloth facts! Great conversation for the diner table. Did you know there use to be Sloths the size of elephants! Prehistoric sloths.. and they swim- much faster than they move - who knew.
As a bonus - I was having so much fun painting my sloth, I forgot to make him green so, I have two on the go, I will put it on Etsy. You will see the other after it reaches it's final destination! I love this. I had another Etsy sale the other day ! Thank you!!
Storm commented (when I shared info. about the newest artist I was bartering with) “it’s like your studio all over again mom, you see a kid with talent and you go that extra bit to encourage them…” I thought: It IS!! I can!!
How wonderful! No cricket club but it will have to do! I am THRILLED.
My only concern is to make sure the parent are o.k. with me sending them ‘snail mail’.
Hee hee, I like to add a couple of little things. ‘Canadian’ , I found these BIG chocolate Toonies and I tape a real one to the back. I think it’s interesting, I giggle as I sit here- I’m sure some reading are rolling their eyes.. I care not. I always include some form of maple syrup - mmmmmmm. If I havnt eaten it all.
I make sure the person - wants to exchange. I never know age - I don't really care.. Someone is trying to draw and express themselves and shares it with all of us. ;)
This is a reason I also think it's an interesting way to meet others. I would also be using if I was single to meet others with the same interests. Who cares if they live far away- it shouldn't stop us from forming friendships.
Another talented young man puts ‘Dogs heads on humans’, such a distinct look already!
I had to tell him. If you ever have the opportunity to ‘really encourage' someone younger - in your profession for example, please take it.
I feel special as well, my friend Hunter in the USA , who I bartered with shared his ‘picking a prom jacket photo’ with me ;)
Well its’ time to get back to the Sloth.
This too made me smile. (Photo Below)
Happy, I can make someone feel happy. Check out that smile!
It’s as big as my cats - are you smiling?? See! That is how it works. ;)
Have faith