& believe it or not - I was gifted TWO recycled buddha bottles in the same day- I think LB is calling!! One was transformed into a wonderful incense burner (seen below) it works terrific as you can see in the photos, all the way from my friend Toti in Mexico! Talk about make me smile, her handsome hubby *I tell him this all the time, I cant help myself, he has such a wonderful smile... he put some TLC into this buddha bottle for me. Earlier in the same day my pal Cathy came over with a 'Buddha Totem' recycled garden art! Complete with a bee glass my friend Dave from high school gifted me! -It is such a beautiful reminder by the pond of my friends, sunshine and life in general! I am so inspired I might try to make one!
Tara Roberts- a glass artist I've become IG friends with also send me a slice of her recent millie pull! Alice in wonderland! It's pointillism with glass IMO, I shared the images before - Tara and her partner - Jason also a glass artist are now working on a wolf in the forrest!
I hold the tiny pieces in my hand and admire the patience and work that goes into this glass masterpiece! The rose in Taras piece was made by Jerry Kelly. It's so small, it amazes me to hold it. I have a bigger rose and I also have been playing with it in a drawing.. more on that later!
I also had this woman make me a set of dish towels! I approached KC Kush on IG and asked if she would be interested in BARTERING, she said sure! We made a mutual agreement and exchanged gifts! The thing was she did not really know me and she researched - I received the dish towels and thanked her! I then - gifted a couple to friends - it's what its all about- they too loved them! Spreading the love one tea towel and POT holder at a time ;)
I was honest and told her I loved them, but I daunting out in the kitchen - I kept one town for my studio desk, I love it- being black - you do not see all the INK when I clean my brushes. It turns out she read my blog and then made me a custom apron!!
I clearly now own the coolest cutom Cannbis apron ever - called it.
K.C.Kush on Instagram It is comfortable, funky & fun - not to mention my 2 favourite colors! She has an ETSY shop if anyone is interested: https://www.etsy.com/shop/pnwcannacreations
I like to 'gift' art as you might be aware and yes it is nice to get gifts in the mail, letters, cards, stickers, notes, books! My gosh - I just got two books from Norway! lol - perfect timing for the gazebo reading hour. It's true give and you get back.
I tell you, I love each gift as much as the other - each was sent with TLC - that is what means most to ME.
I'm going in my painting room now to paint a GIFT for friends... cause thats what it's all about.
tomorrow - the BEEhouse boxes. ;)