Blueberry, purple/pink kush and more - it is interesting to hear about all the different LOVELY buds! People are passionate when they talk about their buds!
I am looking though all my photos, the new display was a hit to say the least!
The 2 hole spot for 2 best buds was a good idea! It is so fun to see peoples faces when they see it - instantly a smile appears across their face! Some would run to take the photo, other needed some coaxing but every one laughed! Once again FB profiles become Buds all over! It is AWESOME. That was the idea! Make people smile!
Plans are already in the making for a new display for 3 best buds!!!
Then, I realized:
I HAVE the BEST BUD collection in the world !
I love my buds. Some I do not know - they just needed an extra face!
Others we soon become Fb friends and others really are best buds.
Either way - I now have hundreds of bus with all different names from all over the world! My buds come in all shapes and sizes, colors and classes! I am blessed to have them all! Each one makes me smile.
In some photos you might notice, I was botoxed up for the expo. Ironically smiling, laughing and even eating trigger my twitch, Storm and I were literally laughing last night when looking though some of the photos and I held up an envelope to show only the smile side of my face and then the crazy side... Storm said “mom when you look at the photos all you need to remember is you were laughing and it triggered the ‘look’ so who cares... the laughing is all that matters.” ♥
I look at my photos and some make me feel a bit ‘sad’ but then I look at the person beside me in the photos - their face the look in the eyes - the smile on the face and that is all I need. It makes me happy just to look at them. I have the best buds in the world.
I look forward to growing my collection!! Have a look at my ‘Best Buds’ from over the past few years. You might know a few!
If you have a bud photo and it is not here, please feel free to it it to me and I will happily add it to the collection!
xox <><