I had a few AMAZING things happen to us - wow my head still reeling - did that conversation really take place ?! KOWABUNGA - I am excited beyond- BUT I have to focus!
I have drawing to do - I have a waiting list- I have made notes and have some great photos!
Like the one about of my handsome son in the booth this year ;-)
All of which I shall share starting tomorrow! Today it's re-organize, but just a few key words/names/people I will be talking about: Oliver ;-), Moses, Marco, My liberal and NDP experience, Jodie, Patti, Lauren, Marie, Storm (of course), Tiny pink panties, Tourists,
Options, Ignorant Radio hosts, Martin, Drawing, teen age boys, Buddhist monks and more!
More importantly - to me anyhow - I get back to business today! DRAWING!
MUCH love to all who came out to say hello- Thank you! Stay tooned!
Oh BTW - Expo booked for next year already ! May 24- weekend 2013!! If it continues to grow like I have witnessed it the past 3 years (which it will) I am convinced it is only a matter of time before cannabis is legalized and the insanity ended!