As we learn we continue to share our experiences with our Dr. and educate him on the process of compassion clubs. Actually, I tell every Dr. I see. ;-). Looking back I think how amazing it would have been (hopefully will be) when one day Health Canada includes a brochure that educated more on the different strains and how Cannabis works, also nice would be a package with brochures for compassion clubs. The last thing you should have to do when you are already sick is start to have to figure all this out. IF you want to be educated on Compassion Clubs the EXPO was the place to be.
At one point during the expo I turned a corner and there they all sat having a serious conversation - the main guys from several clubs! Just seeing them all working together I could feel my heart swell - I could feel HOPE. I have had the pleasure now of meeting several of them personally. They are all wonderful, professional and compassionate men themselves. **from time to time you will hear about someone who went to a club and had shady dealings, was treated poorly, received poor medicine. DO YOUR research- talk to other patients - find out who they deal with, then simply - avoid the clubs that do not have a good reputation. There are always going to be clubs like that - just like there is always going to be a car dealership to sell you lemons! I am adding a page to my website called EDUCATE yourself. Documentaries, Compassion clubs, web sites etc.. I will try to list only those I know or have heard good things about but again you have to be responsible for your own actions and experiences. I hope it will make it a little easier - *now I just need to find all the business cards from all the wonderful people I met.
The main thing I heard from people visiting the EXPO was "my Dr. said no -" then I ask them how did you ask.. they said I just asked. If you want to use Cannabis then educate your Dr.
Go prepared. Have a file folder with all the proof on how Cannabis would benefit your condition, THERE is all kids of documentation, sites and information you can print and present to your Dr. If after that they say no ask them WHY.
Ask them about the Hippocratic Oath they took. What ever it takes...
IF you believe Cannabis helps you then be prepared to explain why. Be educated.
Below is one of the best examples I have met of an educated man who can tell you why Cannabis is medicine! He inspires and motivates. He has worked very hard to be where he is today. It was an honor for Storm and I to meet him. His name is Irvin Rosenfeld
He is LIVING Proof ;-) to learn more bout him - click here:
one note: I look at these photo and at first I got a bit sad about my face and my twitch- I met so many people with things going on, some you could see some you could not - I was educated and I thought to myself... when I took these photos I was smiling in my mind!
That is all that matters. Not what the camera catches but what we feel inside. xox
I felt the love ;-)