They make me smile. I did see a sign on PIN that said the same - so, I thought I'd make a nice happy Pallet sign! Ready for the back fence - so in the summer you'll look out and smile As you sit and sip your a.m. coffee!
The sign did not take me long at all, I did not pre draw- I just - went with it.
First with just the yellow - it was... boring so the pop of orange! A 'wash' really, I did not prime the pallet- I like the look of the wood. All it needs now it a protective coat and wire for the back - Hubby's dept.
I am making several signs along the same Idea - all in preparation for the 'Art in the Garden' Show & Sale - Soon!
I am so excited, it will be here before we know it! 5 friends in the garden - all weekend - May 9th. We talk about it and I find we are just excited about he promise of this summer!
I do not know what else I will have to sell - lol - I will only have a few framed cartoons... I'm not really concerned - For now- I have a few more pallet signs to paint!
Rise & Shone Mother clusters! Its a new day!
Get busy & creates something fun!!
<>< Have Faith xox