You see, I am tired of people messaging me - "I no loner see your page.." ,
there is not too much I can do about it.
I don't know why, nor do I care.
When last logged onto FB, coffee in hand- ready to greet the day - determined to make it a positive day - I learned about the woman who went shopping for baby clothes on craigs list.
Then, I saw a nasty remark 'one patient' made to another, stress from a court case no doubt.
I did not see this on my 'Georgia Toons' page- I saw it on the other and thought, why do I bother.. click.
I was in tears over the news story about the baby. I know why I do not read the newspaper, it's full of stories related to upset & sell papers, not caring about the mental health of a world, let alone country. I was taking a break in news in general. I did not know about the plane that crashed in Europe - and Norm stopped telling me the second he saw the look on my face.
I can't do it. It consumes me.
I am well aware that I have a condition that does not need any aggravation. Not that any of us do, but some people love the drama, they must, they make remarks then dive right in. No thanks, my days of unnecessary nasty drama are done. People are murdering over STUFF. Women are cutting babies out of stomachs.. so little nasty remarks towards each other are the icing on the cake. It's never nice.
Being mean is out of fashion, style, season!
I didn't anticipate the notices from my friends, I forgot to turn them off; it will be the first thing I do when I log on again.
I am curious, what are they creating? Or 'so and so' posted a new photo! What could it be!
-You know what Georgia - It can all wait.
Because the facts are I spent way more time with Norm this weekend, way more time painting during the week and making myself happy. Focusing on all that can go right instead of wrong. Part of the battle.
We need to do this - or else we become part of the problem.
Another thing I had not anticipated was my friend Kerry telling me in an e mail, Todd (her husband) has been incarcerated. ;( She said the info is on his FB page.
Just the thought brings me to tears.
The rest of the fucking world embraces, Willie is opening stores, Big corporations are starting to make money, all kinds of product surfacing - and my friend Todd is STILL GOING to jail!! For growing plants legally in the USA and with tax stamps that he paid for his plants, a government that is well aware. His family ripped apart. I was going to log on but thought no, it would just make me cry.
I will wait out my week, until Wednesday.
I was also reminded it was 'Twister ups' birthday. Darn those notices.
If you want to see my FB posts I suggest you select 'Get Notifications', as seen below.
I will be returning on Wednesday to FB but will treat my page as FB has it.
I'll post - POSITIVE, thought provoking, no idle bantering, no name calling, no nasty.
It may just be FB, but I will choose to use it for good, smiles or get off.
There is enough nasty already out there who needs any more?
If this is the direction it's going - I'll pass.
Those who wanted to say hello did, vis a message sent to me through here.
Less FB, MORE doing what I am to be doing.
Now it's back to building a bunny with my hunny!
Please check back, when I have Todds address, I'll ask that you send him some positive vibes! My prayers have been with him since the start. I know everything for a reason.. I've no doubts in my mind Todd will come out stronger. I just with I understood it right now. I don't.
Time to paint.
xox Have Faith