Education is the the Key to Everything.
Cannabis Education
Storm and I, Summer 2010
Our son Storm became legal to use Cannabis here in Canada at the age of 15, for his progressive to terminal rare bone disease: Multiple Synostosis Syndrome.
Diagnosed by 2 teams of Dr.s at 2 different hospitals. From birth Storm suffered daily with pain that had him screaming in agony, unable to live a ‘normal life' without suffering from constant exhaustion, chronic pain, depression and more.
Dr.s offered little help other than serious, dangerous (as we are now all aware with the opiate crisis) narcotics - which would destroy our sons internal organs after the extended use - as I was explained by The Hospital for Sick Kids Pain department.
At age 7 Storm was on liquid codine… As a parent watching our sons mental & physical deterioration from living within chronic pain an using his 'medicine' that only seems to put his to sleep, I stated to research natural medicine for fear of losing my son from proven 'side-effects'.
Cannabis appeared over and over again, one tale after another of it’s pain & mental relief. Could it be true?
It sounded too good to be true & you know what they say.. if it sounds too good to be true...
IN THIS CASE they were wrong! - It was & is true, cannabis helps with chronic pain.
From the very first inhale, our lives changed for the better!
Our son was a new person, his mood instantly elevated, his pain became more manageable. Everything including his appetite, sleep, education - all aspects which where effected by pain where NOW all alleviated by CANNABIS.
Even his grades improved - NOW able to focus on school and learning, not pain & suffering.
Storm could eat a cookie- made by me, before he went to school and no one was the wiser.
I made them wiser.. from the start - WE refused to have our son’s ‘medicine’ looked down upon and thankfully, it was not.
It was addressed at school meetings (as early as grade 9) and never became an issue. Our son is now 30 and although still deals with chronic pain- his life is made livable, enjoyable and controllable with Cannabis. Im am elated to say r.s were wrong with their predictions & that too is a very important lesson I want to share - Dr.s do not always know what the future holds. Storm is truly my inspiration.
Witness what we have first hand as parents and YOU will want to share the information - at all costs- with every other parent who you know has a child who is suffering. This is exactly what I/we became determined to do.
I can’t make you believe me, I leave that to God & cannabis.
Both of which, I have great faith in.
We can share some of what we’ve learned... to the point of being BLUNT at times, sharing our experiences with words an Art. I strongly urge any and all parents: BEFORE you are prescribed any medication for your child!
DO YOUR RESEARCH. KNOW the side effects & dangers of ALL medications.
What are the long term side effects? How will it make your child feel? Behave?
ASK your Dr. More an more Doctors recognize Cannabis is a MEDICINE. Fact.
OUR Canadian Supreme Court Does as well.
Before you put harmful chemicals into your child’s body do your research and if you believe cannabis is an option to HELP your seriously ill child, demand. You are permitted to try cannabis for your child. If you don’t who will?
I do not advise you to just purchase cannabis and use on children, consult with a medical practitioner.
For pain, I thank God for the introduction, daily.
Below are links on cannabis information. I hope it makes the journey easier… when we stated it was daunting to say the least, with little help from anyone until finally we found a compassionate, compassion club & Michelle Rainey a Canadian Cannabis Crusader who came to our rescue with a quick introduction, (sadly, now passed away) bong, books, games, T-shirt- Cannabis and more delivered to Storms door.
The journey continues, still! I myself now use cannabis for severe arthritis and TN relief, also keeping me from harmful opiates for pain.Thank God.
Our son when appeared in the star:
You can read our son's story as it appeared in Treating Yourself magazine : Issue#29
Don't trust me ! EDUCATE yourself. What ever it takes.. ease suffering.
Diagnosed by 2 teams of Dr.s at 2 different hospitals. From birth Storm suffered daily with pain that had him screaming in agony, unable to live a ‘normal life' without suffering from constant exhaustion, chronic pain, depression and more.
Dr.s offered little help other than serious, dangerous (as we are now all aware with the opiate crisis) narcotics - which would destroy our sons internal organs after the extended use - as I was explained by The Hospital for Sick Kids Pain department.
At age 7 Storm was on liquid codine… As a parent watching our sons mental & physical deterioration from living within chronic pain an using his 'medicine' that only seems to put his to sleep, I stated to research natural medicine for fear of losing my son from proven 'side-effects'.
Cannabis appeared over and over again, one tale after another of it’s pain & mental relief. Could it be true?
It sounded too good to be true & you know what they say.. if it sounds too good to be true...
IN THIS CASE they were wrong! - It was & is true, cannabis helps with chronic pain.
From the very first inhale, our lives changed for the better!
Our son was a new person, his mood instantly elevated, his pain became more manageable. Everything including his appetite, sleep, education - all aspects which where effected by pain where NOW all alleviated by CANNABIS.
Even his grades improved - NOW able to focus on school and learning, not pain & suffering.
Storm could eat a cookie- made by me, before he went to school and no one was the wiser.
I made them wiser.. from the start - WE refused to have our son’s ‘medicine’ looked down upon and thankfully, it was not.
It was addressed at school meetings (as early as grade 9) and never became an issue. Our son is now 30 and although still deals with chronic pain- his life is made livable, enjoyable and controllable with Cannabis. Im am elated to say r.s were wrong with their predictions & that too is a very important lesson I want to share - Dr.s do not always know what the future holds. Storm is truly my inspiration.
Witness what we have first hand as parents and YOU will want to share the information - at all costs- with every other parent who you know has a child who is suffering. This is exactly what I/we became determined to do.
I can’t make you believe me, I leave that to God & cannabis.
Both of which, I have great faith in.
We can share some of what we’ve learned... to the point of being BLUNT at times, sharing our experiences with words an Art. I strongly urge any and all parents: BEFORE you are prescribed any medication for your child!
DO YOUR RESEARCH. KNOW the side effects & dangers of ALL medications.
What are the long term side effects? How will it make your child feel? Behave?
ASK your Dr. More an more Doctors recognize Cannabis is a MEDICINE. Fact.
OUR Canadian Supreme Court Does as well.
Before you put harmful chemicals into your child’s body do your research and if you believe cannabis is an option to HELP your seriously ill child, demand. You are permitted to try cannabis for your child. If you don’t who will?
I do not advise you to just purchase cannabis and use on children, consult with a medical practitioner.
For pain, I thank God for the introduction, daily.
Below are links on cannabis information. I hope it makes the journey easier… when we stated it was daunting to say the least, with little help from anyone until finally we found a compassionate, compassion club & Michelle Rainey a Canadian Cannabis Crusader who came to our rescue with a quick introduction, (sadly, now passed away) bong, books, games, T-shirt- Cannabis and more delivered to Storms door.
The journey continues, still! I myself now use cannabis for severe arthritis and TN relief, also keeping me from harmful opiates for pain.Thank God.
Our son when appeared in the star:
You can read our son's story as it appeared in Treating Yourself magazine : Issue#29
Don't trust me ! EDUCATE yourself. What ever it takes.. ease suffering.
Make a cup of tea and WATCH some educational TV: Dr.s & Facts. * Can be seen on Netflix *lot's of great doc.s on TOPDOCS Rick Simpson Dr Sanjay Gupta's CNN Special "WEED"
Only a few years since I started this 'blog' there is so much information of Cananbis, it astounds ,me.
I'm grateful for the continued awareness, no doubt helping many. * Can be seen on Netflix *lot's of great doc.s on TOPDOCS Rick Simpson Dr Sanjay Gupta's CNN Special "WEED"
Only a few years since I started this 'blog' there is so much information of Cananbis, it astounds ,me.
I'm grateful for the continued awareness, no doubt helping many.
Ready to READ?
Many Magazines have hit the mainstream market but you can read all you need to know on line.
*** A MUST read for Cannabis and HEMP education
The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer *available at most great bookstores
There are many books on Cannabis education new ones every day, I have especially enjoyed:
Marijuana Medicine: by Christian Rätsch
Easy-quick read: The Little Black book of Marijuana *I have it on my KOBO.
I STILL find new books constantly to READ- check out any Bookstore for more!
Search: Cannabis magazine, Cannabis books, *Pot, *Marijuana, *Grass, *Ganga,
*Please try to be an educated consumer - 'Cannabis' is the correct term. * All other are of slang origin.
*** A MUST read for Cannabis and HEMP education
The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer *available at most great bookstores
There are many books on Cannabis education new ones every day, I have especially enjoyed:
Marijuana Medicine: by Christian Rätsch
Easy-quick read: The Little Black book of Marijuana *I have it on my KOBO.
I STILL find new books constantly to READ- check out any Bookstore for more!
Search: Cannabis magazine, Cannabis books, *Pot, *Marijuana, *Grass, *Ganga,
*Please try to be an educated consumer - 'Cannabis' is the correct term. * All other are of slang origin.
Spend some time surfing:
There are countless sites available NOW with ALL sorts of Cannabis information.
You will become exposed to many different ways to use/ingest cannabis. Where to purchase it, legally. I've read about Medical patches and even suppositories... a long way from bongs & brownies - the internet hold unlimited resources for your Cannabis Education.
Search: Cannabis recipes, Hash, Medicated cannabis oils, Cannabis Butter, Cannabis patch.
You will become exposed to many different ways to use/ingest cannabis. Where to purchase it, legally. I've read about Medical patches and even suppositories... a long way from bongs & brownies - the internet hold unlimited resources for your Cannabis Education.
Search: Cannabis recipes, Hash, Medicated cannabis oils, Cannabis Butter, Cannabis patch.
What is a Compassion Club/Dispensary?
A Compassion club is a safe place to go and get your medicine.
Established long before the Government Licensed Producers, it is how we became introduced to cannabis. They where created because of the NEED. I am grateful for them. Now you can just about purchase cannabis anywhere, a store in ever town.
When we started our journey we only had the option of 'Compassion clubs' now your options are almost limitless with Cannabis retail stores selling everything from rinks, candies, dummies, cookies - the possibilities are endless. & on't forget 'you can grow your own, here in Canada. Amen.
Like EVERY other business- you will come across reputable business owners who are trying to HELP their clientele & patients access safe, helpful, reliable medicine OR you will come across those who are only concerned about profit $$$. I've witnessed both. Buyer Beware. Ask Questions, ask other clients.. make phone calls, compare prices.. does the business take time to explain the product.
Our Compassion club which REALLY helped Storm & I, way back when was CALM. Now a dispensary, like most others.
Established long before the Government Licensed Producers, it is how we became introduced to cannabis. They where created because of the NEED. I am grateful for them. Now you can just about purchase cannabis anywhere, a store in ever town.
When we started our journey we only had the option of 'Compassion clubs' now your options are almost limitless with Cannabis retail stores selling everything from rinks, candies, dummies, cookies - the possibilities are endless. & on't forget 'you can grow your own, here in Canada. Amen.
Like EVERY other business- you will come across reputable business owners who are trying to HELP their clientele & patients access safe, helpful, reliable medicine OR you will come across those who are only concerned about profit $$$. I've witnessed both. Buyer Beware. Ask Questions, ask other clients.. make phone calls, compare prices.. does the business take time to explain the product.
Our Compassion club which REALLY helped Storm & I, way back when was CALM. Now a dispensary, like most others.
DID YOU KNOW your insurance - if it covers medicine' and you use cannabis for proven medical reasons - IT MUST cover cannabis. I have met a few who told me this was the case an a few that have even had their vaporizers pad for.
Research. Education is the key.
Research. Education is the key.
Children using Cannabis:
Below are some websites about children who specifically use Cannabis as medicine. Sadly - the list has grown since I started this page..
I've kept the list of original kids.
I am sure you will find thousands of stories on how cannabis is helping relieve pain for children & adults.
Perhaps you know other parents who are dealing with such issues.
Educate them, HELP- Ease suffering. Share information. Please take the time to offer these parents your LOVE & support, if only with a letter of encouragement - you just might make all the difference that day!
Give thanks it is not your child fighting for their life & fight for their medicine.
Alex -
Cashy- Cashy passed, it was heartbreaking.
Storm (our son)
I've kept the list of original kids.
I am sure you will find thousands of stories on how cannabis is helping relieve pain for children & adults.
Perhaps you know other parents who are dealing with such issues.
Educate them, HELP- Ease suffering. Share information. Please take the time to offer these parents your LOVE & support, if only with a letter of encouragement - you just might make all the difference that day!
Give thanks it is not your child fighting for their life & fight for their medicine.
Alex -
Cashy- Cashy passed, it was heartbreaking.
Storm (our son)
In 2016 the Supreme Court of Canada ruled Patients under the MMAR/MMPR program would be able to continue to grow their own medicine - or have a "DG designated grower," do it for them.
*All images, content Copyright 2010 © 2024 Georgia Peschel and
ALL OF the above is MY EXPRESSED OPINION, do your own research before you try anything.
ALL OF the above is MY EXPRESSED OPINION, do your own research before you try anything.