I met William on Fb a long time ago... I don't know who became who's (WHOM?) friend, but I can tell you I have grown fond of him. I knew him before Ryuu ;-) He makes me laugh. I'm not always sure why. I find him honest and upfront.
He has had me slightly 'ticked' to put it nicely, a few times! Once about breast feeding. He gets me thinking. I like his wife and I have never even seen her, usually only what banter William decides to share. I think he is one of my favorite dads. It has been interesting for me watching and seeing the posts of a stay at home dad.... anyhow I am thankful for meeting them and look forward to watching the family grow
;-) . Ask and you shall receive, and he did. G
It Has Been A Year and My Baby Is Not Even Broken.
By William F. Steele
On April 17th Ryuu Dio Steele will be turning over his first leaf. My child will be one years old. It will be a joyful day filled with all kinds of grilled meats and cakes. Let us also not forget it will be a day of swollen egos. You see I suffered through many “talks” being told too many times on how I am one of those who will never really understand what it is like to truly raise an offspring just because, you know, I have male parts. Because of all those little talks I am overly ecstatic to be here with my testosterone filled battle cry “the babe lives! Ye woman folk can move along now RawR!”
As my baby boy’s birthday nears I find myself looking back at all the little “talks” I had gotten from parents-in-the-know. Some ranged from what brands of diapers to get while others explained how colors of cups will dictate my child’s sexual preference. Some I listened to most I ignored and in the end other than a few scrapes I have made it through the first year with an intact child. You may applaud now as I take a bow. Thank you! Thank you!
Before I get feedback of “well you had it easy your wife worked and did chores” I would like to bring up during my first year as the main caregiver I was going through some drama of my own. Short version of a long story: A few months before my son’s birth my mother dies in front of me. Being a huge momma’s boy I really miss my mother. It’s funny. I can’t touch bacon anymore because I can still taste it from when I was doing CPR on her on a morning a few days before my birthday. Now no dwelling let us move on to a month before my son’s birth my house was invaded by 20 or so combat ready individuals because a friend decided to make a snitch’s paycheck. He knew being the cannabis activist that I am I would most likely have a few cannabis plants here and there plus he knew just what to say to get me to hand one over. Thirty two years old never been arrested the first time a cannabis plant leaves my home a friend gives me up for some drug money. Isn’t that just funny let me tell you once I realized who had snitched me out my cell mates all looked at me a little worried as I laughed so hard I could not breath. Oh ya before I forget about how I also was stuck playing nice to my father’s other family as she moves into my mother’s house and drives my mother’s car. No comment move along nothing more to see here. Now throw in general bad luck stuff like how I threw my back out getting out of bed when my wife’s water broke and that pretty much sums up the disadvantage parts going on during the first year or so.
I do not bring up these woeful times to glum your day I bring it up to show off my brilliance as a stay at home parent. During this time when it would have been understandable to just shut down I put on a smile, did a little laugh, and pulled up my big boy pants so I could play the role that was set before me.
And these are a few random things I’ve learned. Over these past months.
Changing Diapers Suck! And I still have not decided yet what is worse: breathing through my nose or through my mouth. Tough call do I just want to smell it or smell it and taste it in theory if I breathe through my mouth. Even if you try to go all rodeo and get it done at record speed it still sucks. As soon as the rugrat was able to sit up on his own bathroom training began. It has been a long slow road but the outcome will be its weight in gold.
This bit of advice I will have to give credit to mother’s worldwide. “When the baby sleeps you sleep!” That is such a golden rule it would be wise to burn it in to your memory if you’re a first time parent.
It does not matter what color, cloths, or if I love hello kitty my child has an even chance of becoming straight, gay, or cross gender. It irks me to no ends when a parent-in-the-know tries to push the idealism that he must conform. I have no time for this foolishness because in the end it is not the neon pink and purple sippy cup that could make him gay. Pretty sure it would be the interest in other males he develops on his own time through his own experiences that does it.
The day will come when he finds some one he wants to share his love with and it will be a happy day that’s all I know. The idea where the option of shaming him to change to the “norm” causing confusion and self loathing that can very well drive him out of our lives or worst lead to one day where we find him hanging in his own closet is just unheard of in this house hold. The king of the castle has spoken so be it ordered.
Anyone can learn a lot by listening to the advice from another. But there was this one statement that I would hear every now and then that would just drive me right up the wall. “He is too young for that.” Well of course he is too young to understand physicist Brian Cox talking about whatever he seems to be excited about that day. I don’t expect him to. Nor do I feel my baby has to be able to grasp all of the sign language we practice throughout the week. The goal is to lay down the tracks for when he is at the point where he should be able to understand it. It’s a pity that so many parents will limit their child just because they are too young. 4 months into Ryuu’s life he was responding to me with simple nods and crude signs of yes or no. Once we had this crude way of communicating I knew right then age limit is just a limit of the mind. I still believe in this theory as I practice math on chalk boards with Ryuu sitting on my shoulders.
On a side note when Ryuu learned that if he signed “up” he will get thrown into the air great for him but for me I ended up doing reps of thirty lifts a day as he grew heavier. But as time went on we started to branch out into other feats of daring acrobatics like now of days he is practicing how to stand on my shoulders as I walk around. We have so much fun that all started with the American Sign Language sign for “up”.
Yes I have a child, yes I am worried about going to prison, no I will not stop being an open cannabis activist. As of a few weeks ago we have decided to up my game and try my hand with politics at a local level. The idea of leaving these unjust cannabis prohibition laws where they are scares me more than prison. The idea that my child might have to go through an arrest like I had experienced sends chills down my spine that fuels an anger inside of me.
No one has ever died from an overdose of cannabis and it’s a plant with thousands of uses. With hard work I’ll be able to show my child that if the people stand up against unjust practices they can be stopped. This will be one of the most important lessons I teach my child I believe.
Now if you happen to live in Alabama don’t forget to vote for William F. Steele in 2018. Your support would be greatly appreciated. https://www.facebook.com/WilliamFSteele
To leave you hungry for more I will brush up on the topic of food. Most understand it as one must eat to live but around here it is live to eat. My fear from all of the “talks” was I would be doomed to serving nothing but chicken nuggets and hotdogs. As a hobby chef and a cookbook author I was terrified let me tell you. I am just that skilled or I must have lucked out. No lie I have a little food disposal unit. It does not matter, veggies, seafood, sweets, meats, he is willing to eat it as long as it is offered to him. The fact that he was willing to eat anything opened the doors for so many healthy dishes without much fuss but plenty of adorable messes.
Seeing that rugrat gobbling up a simple chicken stir fry with a huge grin and smacking those lips is one of my favorite feelings. The simple joy of knowing I won’t ever need to offer Ryuu over processed foods just so he will eat is the greatest. One of my favorite cooking tips is to add hemp seeds to your meals. Those little seeds are packed full with so much healthy goodness its foolish not to add them.
Rugrat Approved Chicken Stir Fry
Can server 2 adults 1 child
1 pound of thinly sliced chicken breast or 2 deboned chicken thighs thinly sliced up
½ a cup of chopped onion
4 crushed and diced garlic cloves
Pinch of red pepper
1 table spoon of hemp seeds
½ a cup of sliced mushrooms
½ a cup of sliced bell peppers
½ a cup of (veggie of choice)
Splash of cooking oil
Soy sauce to taste (I usually use about 1/3 cup of soy sauce)
1-2 teaspoon of honey (optional)
1teaspoon of corn starch dissolved in a little water (if you want a thick sauce)
Let us start by pre heating the oil in a large wok or frying pan over a med high heat. To this we need to add the garlic giving it enough time to release its flavor without burning.
The chicken will go in next along with the soy sauce, pepper and add the honey if you want a sweet twist. Allow it to cook for about 10 minutes stirring occasionally. Now it is time for the veggies and depending on how you enjoy your vegetables depends on when to add them. I generally add them all in at the same time just allowing them to heat up throughout. I love keeping the crispiness of vegetables when I am cooking for myself but to each their own.
Once the vegetables are cooked to your liking you’re done unless you would like the sauce to be thicker. Lower the heat to a simmer then stir in the corn starch water mixture. The sauce will turn milky for a minute but will clear up as it mixes in so don’t panic. Allow it to simmer allowing the sauce time to thicken up to almost a syrup texture.
Serve on top of rice and Enjoy!
William sent me his cookbook! Probably not knowing I don't cook. BUT I figure IF I do cook - It will be from this book, and I will let you know how it went ;-) . William is also ambitious and hey WHY NOT! We have one shot at this life- I wanted to be a syndicated cartoonist, I have people who share my cartoons all over the world. ;-) And TEACH RYUU to reach fro the stars too! You can get his cook book at: http://www.amazon.ca/Cannabis-Cuisine-Whipping-Some-ebook/dp/B0053YQEMG