With such a crazy condition - it is easy to think the worse with it invading your life hourly without any control. BUT DARE not think it !
Sleep ... ;-))
I sit now with a smile on my face.
ANYHOW! ONWARD! A great day it started with a normal brain phone call. A PINK ginger-bread-man (I LOVE gingerbread men, I don't care if they are gay! I LOVE them all) to celebrate the good news. Thank you Shirley ;-) It was a very nice gesture! You remembered ;-))
Then some time with Storm . A walk, a talk and a drive. Always a pleasure.
Some nice e mail - thank you kisses and wishes. And now I draw!
My mind is lighter, my determination stronger, my heart bigger!'
My faith stronger!!
I know the rest of you were thinking it! LOL!
Time to ink and sleep. New toons posted tomorrow.