I have so many wanting out of my head!
Never have I been so insulted as a parent & as a Canadian. We got mail.
Storm & I, from Health Canada Marihuana Medical Access Program!
^ ^ ^
Could you be any more specific!?
On the FRONT of the envelope!?
& Don’t tell me there has never been a postal worker that has stole something.
It happens. Never mind the odd time they accidently slip my mail in someone else's box. I've had it too many times to count.
YOU just made everyone a TARGET!
INSTANTLY, I thought of my pal in her apt. building in a rough neighborhood! In a wheelchair. And that’s just the start... talk about first impressions.
& THEN...
Slap - I felt sick to my stomach when I read this!
You’re also insulting my Dr.! & the many professionals and Dr.s that have in fact recognized CANNABIS as a legal medicine in this country!
To ‘Destroy’ my sons LIFE Saving Medicine!?
Regardless of what you think.. their ARE people WHO NEED This medicine!
CANNABIS. Not 'Marihuana'. Who checked the dictionary on that one?
You should be treating it with the respect it deserves in a professional manner.
Your ignorance on THIS topic is astounding.
Who do you think you are!?
WHO do you think I AM? This is our only son. My only kid.
WHO has suffered more than most of you will ever know.
So ‘Destroy’ his medicine because YOU continue to FU*k up?
Yeah. I’ll be right on that.
Who do YOU think WE are? You say there is 45,000 of us. 'Criminals'.
Now you just told everyone where we all live. Making your job much easier!
Class Action looking good...
The sooner our medicine is gone the sooner you start to rake in the $$$.
Welcome to Corporate fucking Canada!
Thank you Steven Harper - Leader of the pack (of wolves)!
IS anyone paying attention?
To be continued...
*No husbands were hurt during the drawing of this toon.
It still felt good regardless. hee hee hee
xox <><