I did not draw today. I did watch a terrific Doc. Called The Buddha. It is a really nice story about Buddha - on how he came to be. I can understand anyone wanting to become like Buddha. To be the best person you can be.
I want to become like Buddha ;-)
I decided to check my mail before I retire with my KOBO (LOVE it) and I shall end January on a GREAT NOTE: My comic strip The Happy Hippie has just been picked up by another Medicinal magazine!!! That's 5 publications.
I am thrilled. People need to become aware. Education and a giggle!
I am so happy that is is becoming so well received! Everything happens for a reason. Tomorrow I am going to wake up and DRAW! Pencils sharpened!
Have faith... Ask and ye shall receive...
Amen and Good night ;-)
Inspired by LOVE I can not fail.