Death by cannabis - no not ever. Never in History. So why is it illegal?
Death by Alcohol - every day, all over the world. So why is it legal?
Death by Prescribed medications - every day, all over the world...
What more proof does anyone need than that? PRIORITIES.
We need to get them right, and then remind those who WE elect and work for US
to get it right.
Children and their welfare should be everyones FIRST priority.
This morning my son said something about this bone disease to me. Between us.
I can't lie it has had me crying off and on this a.m. because it is true.
Makes me think... What do I say to that? What the fuck do I say to that?
It also has had me get my priorities back in line. LIFE is short.
My child NEEDS Cannabis. My first priority.
I BELIEVE as a mother that our son has God given permission to have the rights as humans to use cannabis as his medicine before man made toxic and often fatal medicines.
Questions? Research. 6630507
XOX <>< G