At times I will focus on something that has happened in the past and I may as well be in a cave- not much else can penetrate. Well - not any more. Not for a while really.
I learned from Charles Schultz there are no excuses- especially for a cartoonist. Please - you can't think of anything to draw? A million happenings right now - just LOOK. Listen. Read, learn. I find if I can't cartoon/draw it is simply because I'm tired.
There is no point. Move on.
I have one drawing complete & I'm sketching another!
I'm going to say YES more this year to things, people and places.
If you are looking at a closed door with anger- move on. Chances are the other person has.
If you are waiting for others - fine wait- BUT keep doing your own thing in the process!
I am too busy having fun to wait for anyone... Imagining I am in a forrest with foxes.
On another note....
Mail - Storms Christmas gift has still not arrived ( I am writing this blog early in the a.m.) also waiting for packages, from the USA (a couple), Russia & Germany. Canada post.. you stink. Or everyone else does.
I told Storm about his gift, he is EXCITED, now its become a bit of a joke.. He said I "should get the package mailed Kubla Khan mail" - apparently the first successful 'mail systems' in history, it gave me a good giggle- watching a documentary at the time. Yesterday, just as he pulled up in the driveway I was past him walking to the mail box.. he saw me- I was smiling - before he went out - I said "if I check the mail & its there- I'm not telling and will wrap it up - for valentines day!" lol.. so the next thing I know - I turn, expecting to see him walking to the front door and he is running behind me!
I let out a yell and ran faster! I beat him to the mail box! & Shoved in my arm before he could - he was now right beside me! NO package! Awwww. & it was the second time I checked today, he reminded me! Double awwwww (we laughed again) lol in this cold! brrr.... Poppy refused to accompany me, anything over -10, she goes into hibernation.
It sure had me laughing though. I love my son.
He said, had it been there he would have ripped it out of my hands and ran!! lol
He is so cheeky, still. ;) Next check, I warm up before my run.
It's a Fox painting day! In my official work outfit P.J. pants!
Woot Woot! I am blessed. ;)
Today! its got to come today!
Mail comes at 2, if it's not there I bug him to check hourly! LOL!
xox <><