It's time for the Mushrooms! Today is another Foray day! We will be leaving soon.
I am amazed at the variety of mushrooms found on the last foray including a Blue mushroom, it's a wonderful way to learn about nature as well as informative on mushrooms and how much they effect our environment. I hope to find an edible one!
This is a gouache painting.. the only thing I forgot was a bug or two. I can still add them.
Later today, I'm working on a new painting and thinking of a couple of cannabis related cartoons, here in Canada I think a 'calm'- regarding cannabis has fallen.. legalization in 2017 is on the way, still in the United states it's legal here and not there, I find it hard to believe how celebrated the plant is in some states- yet it others it's still backwards! A NewMexico state fair stopped a medical Cannabis provider from allowing a plant or even brochures at a fair!? WTF. I don't get it. I remember years ago Treating Yourself was at the Women's Home show! Marco Renda -made sure 'Treating Yourself' was everywhere - The Toronto Home show, garden shows and even tiny town Home shows. At the Women's show- it was the only booth of its kind - let it be everywhere, educate everyone. Familiarize people to the plant. PLANT. I truly believe at this point, anyone that prohibits such 'displays' is only contributing to abuse, addiction and even death of generations to come.
I did read a response editorial written by Duke Rodriguez, CEO and President of Ultra Health which reminds me of struggles we are currently having with Health Canada and dispensaries. 'Dorothy' at the State fair:
Dorothy, the three week old medical cannabis plant who was proudly on display at the New Mexico State Fair for a mere 6 hours, was the center of attention for many fairgoers yesterday. It was also surprisingly the center of attention for members of the Department of Health and state fair officials.
But, Dorothy was never intended to be a surprise. The entire time Dorothy was secured and under the supervision of the licensed producer. Law enforcement was cooperative and present throughout the display period.
The fact that the DOH is going out of its way to scrutinize Ultra Health’s activity at the New Mexico State Fair is both absurd and a waste of DOH resources. There are several other issues with the Medical Cannabis Program, including dispensaries operating illegally and without approval as well as delays on patient cards, that the DOH should be focusing on, rather than a medical cannabis plant with only trace amounts of THC that was approved by officials operating the fair.
Ultra Health applied for a booth at the fair on August 1, with our application explicitly stating we would be providing at least one medical cannabis plant for viewing and educational materials about the health benefits of cannabis. Ultra Health even provided a mockup of what the booth would look like, plants included.
After weeks of back and forth communication, the director of the Concessions Department notified Ultra Health of an opening on September 6, just two days before the fair was to open. The fair notified Ultra Health that the contract must be signed and the booth paid for by Wednesday, September 7 and its booth must be fully functional by the morning of September 8.
With less than 48 hours notice, Ultra Health complied with the state fair’s demands and respectfully followed through with the booth it had planned from the beginning.
Ultra Health should not be faulted for a poor handling that happened wholly on the fair’s end.
The New Mexico State Fair has beer gardens and an array of unhealthy, fried foods. Neither beer nor these varieties of food have any known health benefits, unlike cannabis, which is improving the qualify of life for more than 30,000 New Mexicans today and more than one million across the country.
To quote DEA Administrative Law Judge Francis Young, " In strict medical terms marijuana is far safer than many foods we commonly consume. For example, eating 10 raw potatoes can result in a toxic response. By comparison, it is physically impossible to eat enough marijuana to induce death. Marijuana in its natural form is one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man. By any measure of rational analysis marijuana can be safely used within the supervised routine of medical care.”
The fact of the matter is that the world is changing. Just last month, Oregon featured an entire cannabis exhibit at their state fair, including a live plant competition and learning opportunities
for growers. In Washington D.C. cannabis plants have been put on display to the public. Isn’t it time New Mexico embraced a plant that it should truly be proud of?
WE ARE FAMILY.. Please show your support whenever you see an injustice regarding the cannabis plant. The more it is seen, doodles, pictures, brochures - the more it will be recognized and decriminalized- at least in the minds of many - (I laugh typing that) the fact that we have to TRY to make a plant seem normal, natural - wow.
Ultra Health, is on instagram, please show them some love. Strength in numbers, it does not matter if we are Canadian or American or __________ (fill in the blank), we are all striving for the same thing. Freedom to choose what we want to put in our own bodies.
The healthier option for me.. is Cannabis.
Time to get ready for the foray!! yay!!
Have a terrific day All!
We are family! ... I got all my sisters and me!
Have faith... in good things to come! I feel it! I Am ready!
xox - for all who need a kiss and hug! This ones for you!
<>< ...what a man.