I woke inspired- and decided to sit out on the back deck in silence, watching the jays land, pick out the perfect peanut and take off! Oh, I wish I could fly.
I know EXACTLY where I would go.
I can go there mentally - somewhat when I work on drawings. Yesterday, I started a new 'We are family' Fun Fungi painting! Still at least a day of detail and then a Re-Draw or re-paint of a toon I just did & fell in love with but had already made an agreement to part with.
A little more research - because it's so enjoyable & interesting.
I was just down doing the dishes- chores, life.. lol and could only think of being at my desk.
Day dreaming, researching and painting. Do what you love. Update on Scruffy- she is doing amazing, everyone that see's her does the 'Awww...' then quickly forgets anything is different and Daisy & she are forever friends in the back yard - as tho nothing happened. Water under the bridge. Forgiven & Forgotten.
I'm off to draw but must say thank you! I received a couple of gifts yesterday! My long time friend Kat of Kats Gallery sent me a very cool <>< she knows what they mean to me and how cool this funky fish is! & someone from instagram, Megan sent me the cutest little painting.. now I can add to my original collection! & some funky cannabis sox, I will save for a very special occasion... one where I will only need socks! hee hee - I can't think of any right now but there is hope. lol
Have a terrific day! I wish I had something to show you- but some are top secret- and some are not to be rushed! I am ALSO designing a FREE download cut out for all moms & dads to their children that are driving age or anyone really, whom you love and drives.
More very soon!!
Keep busy! Keep stimulated & Keep positive!
Have Faith
xox <><
song now playing:
Landslide by the Dixie Chicks.. perfect.