We just got back form a walk in the forrest! What a beautiful time to get out there and see all the trilliums! White & red.. at first they were all closed, Storm assured me.. "follow me.."
up and around to place with fewer trees and they were everywhere! A field of trilliums!
We also found another FALSO morel. These morel are poisonous and every year STILL people are hospitalized due to mushroom poisoning :( The FALSE - I would say since I just painted one are - shorter, stubbier, blacker and more brain like - also when you cut it open it is a mess. where as a REAL morel is clean on the inside. I picked a few photos for you to see!
I will comment to the terrible dog owner who bothered to pick up the poop and then left it on the post for all to see- Really? All this beauty- your hear with your dog- take your shit home with you! I always pick up after the dogs and dispose of it properly- when I get home- not on someones property or leave it in the forrest. Your better off just leaving it then- it would degrade on its own time- without the bag, duh. Storm said it's been there for weeks and next time I'M bringing a garbage bag and stick. I did not see a lot of trash but I did see some and none is acceptable- who does this nowadays? Thoughtless humans.
Today my son educated me on Bloodroot! How interesting.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanguinaria a medicinal plant with strong ties to love and energy. It did look like it was bleeding after Storm cut into one for me. I just received my botanical painting book in the mail and sure enough it has a trillium!
Guess what I'm painting today!
Walking through the forrest- we talk about so much... I was thinking about Alberta and the forrest fires - it will take so long to recover. Please be careful at all times. I try not to think of all the animal lives lost- let alone all the humans that have to relocate.
It was a beautiful stroll, I appreciated it all the more. I'm going to bug my friend Justin to see what a couple of the plants we found were.
Such beauty God provides us- get out and enjoy it, Storm said "you need to get out more mom" I agree. OUT more, I am.
My son was getting texts in the forrest... I'm not sure who from - he wouldn't share but he had a smile on his face the entire time. lol
I have news! BIG.. (for me anyhow) just finishing loose details.
It's time to paint some botanical!
New canabis work as well. I have a new idea- wait and see!!
Oh, my hempwick holder- is complete- I'll share tomorrow!
Have a Beautiful Day!