I am thankful for Men. Men all around the world. Because of the internet mostly I have friends all over. Some I have had for several years, some a few months. But I realized today how many great men I know. I am blessed!
Jim. Jim gives me the best gift I could ask for. He give me my paper cut to size. He has so that I can DRAW. He has no idea how grateful I am for this.
Friends for over 20 years - who knew that I would have a paper provider! LOL More importantly I have had a good friend for that long. He makes me smile all the time. I look forward to our lunches as strange as some may have been -will be. I love him dearly and am Thankful for him.
Norm. I am so thankful for Norm. Too many reason on so many levels.
Mostly for supporting me always. Not just financially but in what ever I have chosen to do. He is my biggest fan and provides me with much material.
He loves us unconditionally. He makes me mad, drives me nuts and makes my skin crawl like no other!! GRRRRRRRRRR. But I too, am not a perfect princess.. The honeymoon is over and we are still here. I love him dearly. THANK you
Storm. What a fine young man if I do say so myself. I am so proud of him. Mostly for his strength. His passion and ambition. He makes me laugh. He also gives me much material. He is my sunshine. He always knows when I need a hug. He has taken his photo with Santa for the last 18 years because it is my favorite decoration! HInt Hint.. hee hee hee he is the Love of my life..
Sam, Chuck, Josh, Ivan, Jim (different), Jesse, Mike, Joe, Don, Gabe, Marco, Kevin, Carter,Ben, Paul, Rob, Tom, Bill, Chris, Jack, Philip, Jesus!
Oh, too many to mention. All making my life a little richer.
I love you dearly. xox <><