There is no lack of material. I also like to use my creative license of course. What cartoonist does not? I will say here and now all my characters are purely fictional - with I guess the exception on 'me'. I mean Storm has never been a "hippie" any of you that know him know this. Quite the opposite. My character I plan to keep honest and open.
I take my ideas from inspirations. Things, I read, conversations I have & what I witness.
As a cartoonist I read: the most successful cartoonists try to use as few words as possible to get your point across. An easy task you think? TRY IT! Or I am triggered by something someone says & usually my cartoons are a few ideas or comments I've heard combined.
Combined to make the reader THINK. THINK. T H I N K .
The more I draw, the more I understand it would be selfish of me to say "this applies to..."
when the fact is that is applies to MANY. All over the world. I have been reminded that is it bigger than us, more serious than our problems.
So what to draw.. This week alone I have read about cannabis for pets (YEAH!- I love my 4 legged friends and believe that for them also it is a SAFE option.) Weight Loss, Brain tumor shrinking with Cannabis use and how it is much safer for college students, especially young ladies who are more commonly being abused and raped by SCUM adding date rape drugs in their drinks. Or just getting them drunk. I have yet to meet someone that was not able to say 'NO' under the influence of Cannabis.
So many ideas I'm not sure where to begin.. All I can say is I am looking forward to this winter as I am going to draw like never before! Yes, I am distracted more in the summer - plants, pool and puppies.. I like to draw at night but more important to us is family time.
So my drawing.. distracted. Today with the chill in the air I am eager to sit at my desk at let lose!
Right now - Im out to pick tomato's, pick up pet droppings so the grass can be cut, clean up around the soon to be closed pool and then if Im lucky I can sneak in a toon before I start diner. New toons posted soon... I am thankful for Education. Open minds. AND fresh paper and new pencils! xox