Having a limit on Fb has posed a problem, I have people wanting to friend, I check out their page and see we have things in common or I like the vibe they are putting out, so I accept.
Every now and then.. recently, I had someone start to message me. He wanted to argue about God. Really, nothing more.
He did not care for my opinion and insisted I should read my bible and I had to be an idiot to think any other way than his.. LOL
He knew nothing about me, had not been to this website, only passed Judgement on a few quick FB posts. I found it upsetting.
Not that fact that he wanted to argue about God- If you know me you know by now - What ever it takes, I don't force anyone to believe in what I do- I know you can not. I do not consider myself a bible thumper - I've read it, I find it, for lack of a better word interesting & entertaining. I am well aware of the fact it was wrote by mortal men.
We shall leave it at that.
If you do not believe in God, well - Oh, well. BUT to try to destroy what someone believes... have YOU NOTHING better to do??? <That is it in a nutshell.
- He was 1/2 across the world, when we became FB friends I was thrilled! I love seeing FB photos from other places and better yet, it is a first hand peek into a place I have never been! An opportunity to learn, share and friend. * Some people have setting so you can NOT see all that is on their page UNTIL you friend them. I've had that rude awakening a few times... I think it's sneaky and a 'turn off' right there.
Instead it seems all this person wanted to do was set about and destroy what brings others peace. I had checked out his page and it was full of hatred, not just Anti God, but anti Jew, muslim, christian - you name it we are all stupid.
UN Friend. SIMPLE. Done.
Why? Should I not try to accept him and understand? FORGET it.
WHY the heck would anyone want to surround themselves with such negativity? It for me had nothing to do with God - Other that I have noticed it is the ' Atheists' On FB that remind me the most of God with all their posts -LOL Irony.
The Lord works in mysterious ways.
We have an opportunity to educate, explore, help, encourage, support and Make new FRIENDS all around the world! Send a positive message!
FRIENDS... Are not someone that want to crush what you believe in because they don't,
and have nothing better to do that to fight with you about it.
If you're a nasty, name calling person - I would not hang out with you in real life so I'm not about to do it on FB.
Life is nasty enough on it's own some days.
BTW, I also un-friend sometimes because IMO, I see people I CARE about posting things and I have a hard time not commenting, thinking - WTF are you thinking? Others that pretend to be friends only to hear otherwise, I've no time for bullshit or games. ;)
A few times, I need a space quick! So, I un friend a friend! A real friend.
They can see my stuff anyhow and they are true friends and know they an e mail me.
You know .. It's nothing personal.
It has boiled right down to the cartoon.
I just can't be bothered.
I want to surround myself with Good, if you think something is wrong with that..
that is your problem and NOT mine. ❤ Un Friend
Do not surround yourself with negative people - life is too short.
xox <><