Well thought out - I just had to put it on paper.
Much has been in my head for years, I just have to put it on paper.
I just have to make the next move - take the next step.
This painting will take a me a few days - easy, I'm looking forward to every moment - lost in thought & paint- WE ARE ALL Mad here. It helps me sort things out... calmly & peacefully.
I am thinking about those who in the past few years have said: "You can't..", or "you shouldn't.. " and I realize, these people - THEY can't. They shouldn't. They won't.
They will remain stuck where they are, because they are afraid to do something about it..
Fuck them. I can. I will and It's about fucking time.
Time to work on my painting. ;) this throughly thought out Thursday!
A few sneak images below...
Have faith