I told him that made two of us & I thanked him for trying
(and thinking, and not 'sneezing' -lol).
Yes. I was bummed.
Options. Botox - been there done that.
Surgery. I will not even let that enter my mind at this moment. It was no piece of cake and did not work. I was very ill after as well, they had trouble getting me to stop vomiting. So it would not be for a while if even an option.
There was a swollen blood vessel removed the teflon inserted. I keep telling myself - perhaps it's just going to take longer. I have hope.
I am grateful that it does not interfere with my drawing and the rest will have to adjust.
If this is how it is going to be this is how it is going to be.
Love me or leave me - twitch and all.
One day at a time.
The day was not a complete disappointment - The handsome Dr. Raphael (?)
Raffael was into see me first ;). I believe he had a slight accent and was trying to figure it out but reminded myself to focus on my head and not his lovely accent.
Really, just looking at him made me 'feel' he is a nice person. I love when you meet someone and they can instantly warm your heart. What is that? -Awesome.
I did have a 'feel like a dork' moment - when he appeared I instantly without thought, said
"Hello Dr. Raffffaaeelll..." - and proceeded to let it roll off my tongue. People must think me a bit of a nut. It turns out it is his first name. lol. I don't even remember his last. I was too busy listening to him say his first. ;-)
When we like others we should let them know. If even with just a smile. Too many times we do only the opposite, Bitch when we don't like someone.
It was a great - people- experience aside from the opening on the skull thing.
Since in the city & close we decided to visit some family ❤ Nothing says loving like a hug from my favorite aunt and uncle. Of course spending the day with my son, interesting conversation - we argue too and then try to explain where each is coming from. Always educational and usually very interesting. He is such a good person. Also Awesome.
For now I will continue to pray and keep on going. I am blessed to be doing what I love
and everyday I wake up -and think wow! - I'm still here!
Get up and try to do something positive today to make the world a better place.
That's it.
Thank you to everyone that has e mailed me and sent me well wishes and prayed.
I very much appreciate it. It gave me strength when I needed it most.
Everything for a reason. ❤☝☮