It is for me. I read the line and this is what produced in my imagination.
Bugs and summer. I hear them mostly and from time to time I catch a glimpse - usually when not expecting it- like before the thing is in my hair, after I walked into the tree it was dandling from!
Persistant creatures on a mission to survive.
A Cicada is still a Cicada, no matter how different it can appear.
One I would sit and watch for hours- add 'wings' and I'm off running! lol
We all look so different, just like the many different varieties of other creatures in this world. How boring if all Birds looked the same!
Cats for that matter too.. If you love cats chances are YOU love the cat family.
Humans are one family of creatures. Each one looks completely different, yet we all have the same inside parts with the exception of Adam & Eve parts.
Simplify it even more...
We all have a heart that beat.
Simplify it.
One Love.
Have Faith
xox <><