I have been tossing old STUFF and it feel great with every rip, tear, toss or PUT it where it belongs. It is looking good and Im feeling fresh! Ready to draw!
I have even turned my desk to face the sunshine (or lack of these days) and be inspired by the SKY! I found something very precious to me. A book Storm and I made about his special day! I'd like to share it with you.
The day he received his first hearing aids, the fist day he could really HEAR!!!
I remember Mary turning them on for the first time and the LOOK of utter amazement in Storms face - He raised his head and cocked it to one side.. as if to really LISTEN. From that day forward our life changed for the better. Time to learn how to speak.
One of the first things he heard was a plane and asked .. "What's that?" That became his new favorite phrase... "What's that??" When asked, you had to stop and listen to try to figure out what he was hearing. He heard the plane but did not associate the two - we pointed to it and he was AMAZED. You see a new birth in his eyes.
I am forever grateful.
I wanted it to be a special day - but not a special day... I wanted Storm to be like every other child - as he is. Hearing loss distances people from each other. Simple.
As a child he had to learn how to speak - how do you speak when you can’t hear properly?
It was a labour of LOVE and still is today.
The most precious gift I have ever been given was our son.
No diamond, no amount of $$ can compare.
Below is the book we made. It is literally falling apart so I am glad I was able to scan it.
What memories. Please feel free to share with other parents of hard of hearing children. there is HOPE. It gets better. Lot's of LOVE.
Today no one knows my son is even hearing impaired, that took much work on Storms part.
Storm just received his new hearing aids, from Mary again!
I hope I can get a photo of the two. That would be neat, then and now.
Upper Canada Hearing in Newmarket Ontario has given us the best service we have ever experienced and we tried a few. More on that later. People NEED to know. Like everything we have learned about another side to this industry. Not so nice.
Enjoy the book! I love my boy even more today! We are blessed to be here.
Life is what you make it. <>< xox