When my twitch is constant and I need it to give me a break, I will also use indica to help me possibly meditate and even nap during the day- as a last resort when I start to feel exhausted. In the morning I use a sativa - usually after I'm up and going and it is the twitch that 'reminds' me to medicate. The sativa allows me to keep going - move past it - clean the house, do laundry or draw. I believe it helps most with depression. It does not make the twitch go away - If it did I would probably smoke it all day - who wouldn't!? Many believe Cannabis sounds too good to be true... Thank God it is that good. It allows millions to function daily. Knowing what I know now - it would be MY FIRST choice for pain control before I tried any chemical cocktail. Above is a drawing that I did for myself - I always forget the difference and now I wont, I hope I've helped someone else remember for the future - when it comes time for them to seek the medicine that best helps them.
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Cannabis helps many for many reasons! <>< XOX