I'll miss the constant twitter chattering outside my window every morning. The different calls - I get so excited when I hear one I don't think I have heard before.. I will miss our backyard birds! Last week I saw my first woodpecker!
Right at my *homemade nut feeder!
*An old teak bowl I drilled a few holes in and tied on some string. ;)
We also have a baby cardinal with a beak so bright you think he was eating an orange!
I have learned about seeds, peanuts, suet, worms and more!
How birds sleep, travel feed care for babies- all with watching and reading.
My favourite book by far this summer has been:
Silence of the Songbirds By Bridget Stutchbury
I wish I could say Birds are doing great but they are not.
Read and you will find out too, if at all there is anything we can do!
For now, I'm back outside to listen to the birds while I paint.
I'll try no tot think of winter! Easy to do on days like today! Whew!
I am stocking on bird seed all the same! I hope to keep my feathered friends visiting & serenading me all year long!
Have faith
xox <><