I thank God ever day for Cannabis.
I thank God every day the second I am awake.
I said when Storm was diagnosed with a terminal illness was when I started to pray but that would be wrong.
I started to pray when he was a baby and he cried and screamed for hours on end.
When we could see his pain.
I prayed. I begged. I promised.
Tell me you would do different.
Norm and I were at the ktichen the other day and I asked , do you wish we didn't go public with all this and he instantly looked at me and said "How can we not? We saw from the first day how it made Storms life better."
For what ever reason we are here. By the Grace of God.
Our son is doing amazing right now! Mentally and physically he is strong. That is with nothing but Cannabis in his system, controlling his pain.
Who else should I thank?
The government? Hell no.
The system? Hell no.
If you believe in God, the bible and you try to tell me that on the very first page - God forgot to include a > * < regarding Cannabis :
1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding *seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. *Does not include Cannabis.
GIVE me a fricken break.
Who should I thank? Who do you thank?
I thank God, you can thank who every you feel you need to thank.
God, Mother Earth, The dolphin gods( for my pal Ron ;-)), Evolution.
Thank you sun, soil and rain! ☮♥<><