But just now as I was making my grilled cheese I remembered my friend Josh and his visit this past summer. I'm not much of a cook - to the point where I warn company that is staying with us.. anyhow this summer I warned Josh and then told him "but I make a wicked grilled cheese.." I then proceeded to burn the life out of our lunch as I was distracted drawing with Josh.. (blame him - hee hee) Josh said it looked delicious and wanted it. Beings as it was burnt beyond recognition I refused and we had lunch with Chef Boyardi. As time has gone on I have got to know Josh better and THAT is Josh. He is a good guy, I can't say as I have ever heard him say anything bad about any0ne. I am blessed to have several friends like that. They remind me who I am.
So when the others get you down, why even let them occupy your mind for one minute more? Move on. Think of your GOOD friends the ones that don't judge, not your looks, your home, your spouse, your kids, your choices... your sketchbooks - LOL, and move on..
Mondays I am going to start my week with 5 great things that happened and have me even more prepared for this week! IF you do look back - look at the good and let the rest slip away.
1. I had a great time with Lucy this week, stamping, talking about Korea, sharing very delicious cookies and spending time with Larry.
2. I found out my MRI was NEGATIVE!
3. Storm made me laugh so hard yesterday I could barely stand up straight. I am still giggling today...
4. I sold cards! Lots ;-DD I'm making people smile around the globe!
5. I had fun hanging out with Benny and his 'boyz' - always nice to meet new friends too.