If only it was that easy. I'm doing stuff and suddenly BURST into tears or I look at the other 2- Tequila11 and Scruffy3 and see how bummed they are. It was a pretty quite day yesterday by all. Anyhow.. I am trying.
Hunny is in almost every toon. I cannot stop drawing her - one thing I know is that now when I draw her with even more passion. I will draw with LOVE and meaning. She will help me as she did for years. I'm not sure what you believe but yesterday, for a split second I got a smile on my face when I realized... Hunny will be the one to greet me when my job here is done ;-)
Actually now I am going to attempt to draw a toon that came to me yesterday one where I can really express my love. For several things. It will be the first time to draw Hunny. God give me strength.
Makes me think of the overwhelming feelings of Sadness in Japan..
God GIVE us all strength.
Hunny collage, in every image I see the love.