and has no desire to do much else. I do not know many 'stoners.' Thank God. Most people that I know, that smoke Cannabis all the time are hard working individuals. Sitting on the sofa, eating munchies all day is only wishful thinking for some. Sadly I have met a few 'stupid stoners'.
The toon below is a true tale, happened at the last TY EXPO.
After explaining that my son did get his license at 15 because he was born with a very painful progress bone disease all this 'stoner' had to say was
"15 - he was legal! That F*&^% rocks Dude! He is so LUCKY!"
Stoner Mentality? No, I just think a stupid mentality. Not thinking for a second about what those words actually mean.
Does anyone think if we had a choice to smoke Cannabis legally at 15 or NOT have a terminal illness - We would chose Cannabis?
NOT everyone who smokes cannabis is a stoner, far from it!
Not all -luckily - NOT all stoners are stupid. But once and a while we come across this mentality. A few times it has been said. ;-(
All I can do is hope to educate. If someone chooses to be a stoner and say stupid things without thinking -stay, sit on the sofa all day - the choice is yours.
On the other hand... if by using Cannabis you are like the many millions that are inspired, stimulated, motivated to get off the sofa and do something! (Many medicinal patients -suffering with pain and sickness) THANK YOU! for your inspiration. You are making the world a better place.
Cannabis or no cannabis the choice is yours. Educated or Stupid... The choice is yours. Cannabis or Prescribed medications- the choice should be ours.