I started to learn about Cannabis - when it became my son's medicine and I have been learning ever since.
~ At first we all have the "stoner/hippie" flash backs funny things said or done and visions of Cheech & Chong. There are giggles involved, it's only natural! The reaction and the plant. ~Then you start to read about all cannabis does and there are times even though I have witnessed first hand how it helps with my own sons pain- your still doubtful. How can one plant do so much!?? Help so many for so many reasons...
~Then education & research I was reading - the cancer cells that it kills in the brain, how people over and over say it helps get rid of their skin cancer, helps with all sorts of pain - in many cases where serious prescribed narcotics would not. Facts, scientific research - from ALL around the world. I am shocked that I have not heard and read of this sooner. Partly my own fault - ignorance on my part and of course no thanks to the media.
~Understanding. WOW. This plant is really all that it is, more than anything else it is
'A PLANT." A plant that people are being put to death around the world, punished for using it, having their lives destroyed - having simple rights taken from them. The first right of a human to live freely - enjoy everything and to be able to make oneself feel better - physically & mentally. With this realization came a feeling of sadness. Sadness at those suffering physically, mentally and socially because of Cannabis - or rather - because of Cannabis prohibition.
~Anger. Anger is what I feel now. Anger that we have added stress in our lives because on our sons medicine- that eases his daily pain! Anger that so many who are suffering can not find a Dr. who will prescribe them this medicine - really - a plant that we should all have access to - we should all be able to grow JUST like EVERY OTHER plant on the planet! I am at a determined stage. Determined to help spread the word. Determined to make people think. Determined to help other parents. Determined to share the truth.
What stage are you at??? A quote to think about ...
"The world is a dangerous place. Not because of the people who are evil; but because of the people who don't do anything about it." - Albert Einstein
xox <><