I love Hummingbirds but I did not see one this year. Not at my feeder, not anywhere.
Slightly disappointed- I'll be better prepared for next year! I will research over the winter & design a humming bird feeding station. lol Hummingbirds love cannabis, you can often see photos taken with them hovering about the beautiful bud. (seen below)
What better idea for saw 7 painted with TLC & THC.
Humming bird love is an 8 inch saw blade and is for sale on my Art for Purchase page.
I painted it yesterday & started saw 8 as well - and they saved my sanity for sure.
If you drove by our house around 8:30 a.m. yesterday, you would have seen the pumpkins fly! Literally - well not a pumpkin but a skeleton, and mini coffin or two. Fly to the curb & front lawn as far as I could throw.
It's September - Time for Georgia & Norm to fight about halloween. ;(
*WIVES - take warning - if your hubby is building a halloween display - watch closely and keep it under control!!! Ours as you know got out of control. It grew big and became a job, a month long job at that. I can't imagine the money spent. I don't have to imagine, I have a pretty good idea and I want it to end, we are far from rich and have other priorities before a coffin gets made. SIMPLE. I walked into the garage yesterday and saw - not one new FANCY coffin but 2! WTF. I knew about the first and decided to 'let it go' and even encouraged - my mistake. It seems like nothing to you but it is a big deal here for too many reasons to mention- let's just say I lost it.
Big time.
I once again can only imagine what the neighbours must think - lol - well they know! They do. I've talked with them over the years and they are in agreement! IT got too big.
My biggest fear now is some little kids will get hurt.
IF we had land, or if someone had the facility - I would encourage it BIG time.
Anyway - let's say it was a very quiet day and remainder of the weekend... I know Norm knows I'm serious, now. I feel bad about 'the pumpkin' - one cannot be repaired, I really did lose it & I'm not proud of that either. A marriage is an agreement, you don't lie or sneak about stuff, not anything. Sooner or later it comes out and someone is hurt.
IT is full of comprises! Trust me after 23 years- you have no idea. ON BOTH PARTS.
If something like a 'holiday and decorations' gets in the way and can not be resolved - then perhaps it is time to think about parting. It make me laugh out loud - I do think, if Norm and I were to divorce it won't be over some mistress, it will be over a skeleton in a coffin.
Today is a new day. New start. New saw blade to paint.
New COFFIN to finish, I did make the mistake as saying 'he could set up a small display' on the from lawn - compromise.
I'll paint saw 8 today! A cardinal on a sunflower!
The bluejay on the sunflower (saw 4) did not sell but was donated to OurLady of the Lake for their Annual Tea Party fundraiser! I was told the proceeds go to a youth group. ;) Perfect!
Have Faith
<>< xox