Greed was a hot topic in 2011. Harper and his Jails - God help us. Obama and his broken promises hurting many already suffering victims. Broken promises broken dreams ;-(
Monsanto and the suicide seeds. Trying to control FOOD around the world!? W.T.F?
FOOD should be available for all - forever! Especially if you can grow it. GMO's in general are on the top of the Naughty list.
Sooner or later changes have to be made. I do believe that the biggest part of the problem is not being educated on the topics. It has nothing to do with being stupid- It is about being interested or made aware of the details, and how can you be when so much energy and $$$$ is being put on the opposite- keeping us in the closet. Distracted. Not to mention life keeping us all busy - trying to survive it. The only way we will survive is if we work together and educate the masses. AT LEAST - get them thinking! ;-))) So if it starts with a cartoon - fantastic! I believe with this toon, people will look at it and try to figure out what I am saying. Most will get it - LOL -I hope. I started a contest today (see contest page)
in hopes that people will share this cartoon and perhaps get someone curious enough to start to pay attention. So do NOT forget the Naughty - DO not let the Naughty get away with repeating the nasty they did in 2011. Make 2012 s better place for ALL of us.
My wish for 2012.