it was much too risky to try to disarm him.
Last week I read twice 'Risky' was used when talking about legalizing Cannabis
one was Obama and he said "The Risk factor is too high" and Gov. Cuomo - of New York said "until the Risk's out weight the benefits.." Makes me think they have so little to go on they even use each other speeches. Really?!!! Risky- what is risky!
I take a bigger Risk every day of my life just by going out to check the mail! How can you say Cannabis is RISKY!? Risky that you might get high and feel better?? Cause that seems to be the most common side effect of Cannabis. Can you honestly tell me that Cannabis is Risker than owning a gun? How many kids over the years have found their parents guns and shot themselves (or someone else)- If a kid found Cannabis in his dad's drawer - he's not going to kill himself -Risky? Talking on your cell phone, thousands do this daily- while driving and die - even while walking - RISKY!!!
Drinking too much alcohol? RISKY *for too many reasons - unwanted pregnancies, rape, alcohol poisoning, impaired driving - I am sure you can think of a few - hey even getting drunk and waking up possibly covered in permanent marker could prove riskier - especially when it's posted all over FB the next day!
Risky? Prescribed medications - kill people daily - Risky?
THE fact IS CANNABIS has never killed anyone - so RISKY? PLEASE!
Risky - BULLSHIT! Demand them to define Risky. The tell them of all the TRULY Risky
things in this life. As for it outweighing the benefits? - Thousands who are helped medicinally every day? A plant that can be grown in ones own yard?
-Yep, something tells me that the 'Risky' part for them - if you grow it in your own back yard - it is very Risky that they will lose billions of dollars that pharmaceutical companies could be charging for Cannabis as a medicine. - I think soon Risks will suddenly disappear..
Cannabis Risky - Please. If this is the best you can do - TIME to LEGALIZE!
In my opinion - it is getting very RISKY NOT to Legalize Cannabis...
because WE the people are TIRED of being LIED to and sent to jail!
xox <><