It is hard NOT to get caught up in the cannabis/alcohol comparison when you start to research all of this. If anything should be illegal it is alcohol.
Been there done that.. that is NOT going to happen.
*NOW more proof:
proof that *1 given the option people would rather get 'high" than drink alcohol. Why? Because they know Cannabis is safer. *2 Cannabis does make people more cautious drivers. Well with a couple of exceptions, I've noticed AGAIN its the person not the pot. Aggressive, bad drivers - are still bad drivers. But I have been with many drivers that are 'high' medicated and noticed a sense of calm. I can tell you about a year ago I was having a bad day and took a pain pill for my arthritis, 20 mins. later I was feeling so doped out I had to cancel plans because I knew I could not drive.
I AM NOT saying to drive HIGH either. Different peole are effected by Cannabis in different ways. IF you are not in control of your mind/body you should not get behind the wheel! Guess what makes people the second most dangerous drivers? - Prescribed medications, and then sleep - being tired.
Hmmm.. Cannabis once again seems to be less harmful that several other things.
Also this was only once recent article on the driving thing.. want more proof - start to research it - you will be amazed, confused and angry.
Drive Safe! Please do not drink and drive. xox <><