If you know me you know I have had a bit of my own health battle this year. I lost a lot of weight about 60lbs, was getting dizzy, had terrible head pain and a twitch that just kept getting worse and worse - I had a MRI - and thank God it was ruled out that it was not being caused by a brain tumor. We still are not 100% sure what it is or why it started - I'm still seeing the Dr.
I had to start Botox injections. Although they did not stop the twitch they have slowed it down .. I get my next injection next week and am happy as I am at the end of the duration and it is acting up pretty much full again. I twitch about every 15 minutes. Sometimes it does not stop and I can not draw or read - I am forced to go rest. It is mentally and physically exhausting some days. I wonder ... Why?
My education, I keep coming across information (researching for more facts on cannabis, finding out about more people who this PLANT helps live a normal life) and I keep reading about the dangers of antidepressants. Especially one keeps coming up - one that I have been on *Risperdal, just to name a few... I have been on antidepressants off and on over the years since I was in my early 20's. The reason's why - are no body's business buy my own. Anyhow Risperdal is known - PROVEN to cause: substantial weight gain, metabolic disorders and muscular tics that can be permanent. They are giving this to children! I have to tell you this twitch when it is at it's worse is enough to drive me mad, depress me and want me to become a hermit and hide in my home! You can read about Risperdal here:http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9405E3DA1539F93AA25752C1A96E9C8B63&sec=&spon=
Then I was taking another antidepressant and tests show the rate of suicide of people taking this medication is increased! I found a documentary and have watched it several times with family and friends:
http://www.cchr.org/ It is called the Marketing of Madness
and if you are not educated after you watch it I'll eat my hat! - My hat is a Tilley and I really don't want to eat it so- I'm pretty sure you will earn something! No joke- PLEASE watch it, watch it for your kids! Your parents and YOURSELF! It has nothing to do with Cannabis.. - or does it!? You tell me. I will personally ask educator I know to watch this.
If this is the cause of my problem - well, not much I can do about it. BUT I can perhaps prevent it from happening to someone else!
please watch it. xox