I have read about soldiers and using Cannabis to ease their mental anguish as well as physical pain (the above photo is of soldiers that all lost limbs due to the Iraq war. Only 3 of thousands. We remember those that die but what about all those that come home and have been - impacted by the war?
What about what you can not see. The suffering, destruction, anger and death that they witness daily over there and then they are expected to come home and la-de-da... move on. For anyone that sits on the sofa watching this only from a television and dares to judge - SHAME on them. Dares to say what they may or may not use to help quiet the mind and heart.
It is not about defending ones honor more like defending ones oil.
Cannabis and HEMP will ease a lot of suffering.
DEAL with it.
http://blog.norml.org/2012/07/05/study-cannabis-may-mitigate-traumatic-memories-in-patients-with-ptsd/ one more worth checking out..http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/news/articles/2012/05/30/20120530veterans-say-marijuana-eases-ptsd.html
xox <><