Tequila has been as gentle as always but could care less sort of attitude. She is still the boss Poppy was growled at when she sniffed Tequila’s carrot, she turned and backed away. Scruffy pretends Not to notice- It is really funny, we catch her watching and getting a litle close every now and then, real close when Poppy is sleeping. Poppy likes to nap. On my lap... and I like it too ;) I feel really well rested today, kinda.
I’m temped to e mail Julie and ask her if Poppy had ever encountered stairs before...
if not I’m in trouble! She can follow us right up the decks no problem and up all stairs!
After she eats she gets crazy energy, Poppy turns Popeye. Tossing the little stuffed bunnies into the air. Daisy looks on like a proud sister already.
Poppy Ville, Norm has to add another level tonight - that lasted a day.
So Poppy has me busy but that’s o.k., I look down at the cheeky little face and my face hurts today - I realized a different kind of hurt - from smiling!
So much like a baby, underfoot and when she is tired and had enough she climbs my leg and cries, pick me up and snuggle. All I can this is: O.k., if you insist.
It has been such an awesome experience,since before birth! Fate, Norms friend from work just happened to mention his dog was having puppies, (the dog I always wanted, a chihuahua!) close enough for us to visit and watch baby grow, and getting to meet a really nice family as well.
Below is a photo of Julie & I and Poppy’s mom ;-), they are keeping a pup -It has a heart on it’s bum right above the tail, and her sister took the other pup.
Last night I painted the first Poppy drawing as she napped on my lap (it’s been a long time since I had a dog do that) and today I have so many toon ideas I can hardly keep up, but I have had just too much fun, snuggling, napping, playing to do anything else. Norm and Poppy have also bonded. Storm is camping and does not even know she is here yet. Dogs are not my whole life, but they make my life whole.
Someone commented on a post ‘the best dogs in the world.’ and I instantly thought every dog has been my best dog in the world. I’ve had the biggest & smallest,
Pure breed & Mutts and I LOVE them all.
The timing was PERFECT.
Thankful for my blessing called Poppy.
Thankful for all our animals.
xox <><