Georgia… on my mind:
Turn off your T.v.. We watch perhaps one movie a night many nights not even that (usually as a family & we vote on it) lol. Not other time is the T.V. even on. We DO NOT have cable - not for years! & LOVE it. We do stuff, we paint, read! Garden! build! create! Turn off your T.V. for 3 days. and see what happens. if you have little ones - UNPLUG it and tell them it broke! ;) Let them get creative. I doubt it’s that simple now with all the electronic gadgets and phones.
Sandra Bland IMO did NOT commit suicide. ;( It has got to end.
punishment for the color of ones skin is the biggest sin on this planet.
If you ‘say’ you believe in God, Jesus - but have hatred in your heart simply because of the color of someones skin.. I don’t know.
I don’t know what to say to anyone who thinks like this.
I don’t want to judge. lol
Do you think it was suicide?
It could be anyone - anyone that has attitude would have gotten treatment like that from that officer. Beyond unprofessional. Terrible behaviour and it started with him telling her to put out her cigarette. That was attitude.
I do think police cameras should be mandatory and NOT touchable in anyway, for any reason.
Painting! Yesterday, during a heated conversation wit my son, not even sure what it was about - in my frustration I picked up a sharpie and decided to draw details on my canvas!
I loved the results! My mind is on a journey of it’s own when I paint. It is when Im most at peace, I don’t think about much except at the task at hand. Thank God. Really.
Have Faith! I do - 2 guys pulled a shark out of the water and removed hooks and put it back.
Tell me something good! I’m having a contest for a painting and I want people to post links to good stories!! You have a head start.. find one and get ready if you want to win and original little painting By Me! Georgia Toons! No rules other than that, No fee. NADA! Watch for the post at 1:11 a.m.
NOTE: Humming bird was drawn and sent to it's new owner across the pond!
To the Netherlands it flies! ;)
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