One Love, One Heart... Let's get together and feel alright!
Read the paper. People killing each other over everything. It's endless. Yet, turn on Bob Marley song - how many sing along? Not even thinking about the words. I myself have to remind myself, One LOVE is exactly that - what should matter? Not skin color. I read today of a young black man who said he had been stopped over 50 times in his life and questioned by police in Ontario! Wow. How sad is that? I hope instead it would be a reminder that God has made everyone of us different and we can't change the past, but we can take some control of the future! Start by being nicer to each other! SIMPLE!
For one day - keep in your mind ***We are ALL just humans here!***
That just came to me - something I read this morning by Jon Mundy.
I know it sounds 'Hoaky' but let's ' Give it a rest, shall we?
I'm planting a seed!
The next time you are out walking, you will catch yourself judging someone!
& you will say - *We ARE all just humans. And you will stop. ;)
Skin Color, hair style, clothing, tattoos, stuff or lack of stuff, tops, topless - lol!
No Judging!
The past is the past, I will learn from it but I will not focus on it.
I can only try NOW to be better.
Time to PAINT! Time to spend with God.
I was called 'prolific' today.. lol - I had to look it up! It made me smile!
lol Thank the Lord.
have faith <>< xox