BUT we MUST remember one bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch baby.
I am going to be very honest here... After the recent 420 event - photos were published everywhere and part of the problem before anything is the media shows - "stoners" or it shows the more exuberant, lively, eye catching or dazzling of the crowed. The images that people look at and think - they dress like that cause they smoke pot! BUT they don't .. they dress like that because they are different and express themselves differently and this is PEOPLE. Who is anyone to judge someone by how they LOOK. They do not show the everyday people who do use Cannabis - medically or recreationally. It all contributes to the negative stigma - a bunch of pot heads with nothing better to do! Where or when else do you see so many people gather ALL OVER the world to protest the legalization of a plant on one day! PEOPLE want CHOICE. So let them continue to try to stigmatize The Cannabis consumer - but you can't hide the truth for long! More news posted today on MS and LUNG studies - have a read ! http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-205_162-57356548/study-no-lung-danger-from-casual-pot-smoking/ & http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/05/14/medical-marijuana-multiple-sclerosis-cannabis-spasticity_n_1515692.html_ So I guess where I was going is there are bad cops, teachers, Dr.s, priests and politicians! (Go figure) BUT ONE bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch baby! Below are some images of successful Cannabis consumers - far from pot heads! MOVE on - open your mind, hearts and educate yourself on cannabis. You won't see me smoking a 10 foot joint wearing leaf pasties and not much else! LOL - Thank God I hear them sigh already! Hee Hee Hee. Want to see and learn more ? Come to the Treating Yourself EXPO - get educated - say hello ;-)
http://www.treatingyourselfexpo.com/ Below JUST A FEW - very famous and somewhat successful Cannabis Consumers. Not bad apples. How many can you name?