WHAT a fantastic idea! Josh who resides in Texas took it upon himself to visit NY and DRAW what was happening & I for one and thrilled he did!
I opened the book on my back deck thinking; I'll have a quick glance, 2 coffees later the book read from cover to cover! I really could not put it down. My hubby did the same thing later that evening and Storm is reading it now.
I LOVE IT! For too many reason.
1st- we love Josh - we met a couple of years back at the first Treating Yourself EXPO - the next year he came and stayed with us for a few days, might have ended up a week or so - who knows - all I remember is Josh is a GREAT guy, perfect house guest, Loves the dogs (visa versa) and cut the grass!
MORE importantly - This book was so interesting - I had no idea of what it was really like watching from my home in Ontario Canada- The work, planning, community all worked together to make OCCUPY happen.
I laughed, giggled and thought - JOSH!! You are so lucky you did not get hurt! Or end up in Jail! Josh braved the elements - the no showering, cold, damp weather and he documented it with drawings and words in this book! It is the ultimate souvenir especially fro those who were there - it is History. Check out Josh’s site - you can order prints of Occupy and get your own copy of this book to show your kids... this is what happens when people want to be heard and are tired of being treated poorly!
When asked Josh reminded people he was there to share LOVE.
Knowing Josh and the good vibes he already naturally puts out to the world I am sure he has done just that! Can’t wait to see what he is doing next! More of Josh : http://www.joshuaboulet.com