- it just got more insane from there.
THIS REALLY made me my hair hackle...
Health Canada states that all medicine must be destroyed as of March 31, 2014.
This means Not only are people NOT permitted to grow their own any longer, nor are they permitted to have a D.G. (Designated grower ) AND NOW IF they have ANY medicine in their possession as of March 31,2014 they will be considered criminals and can be charged!
WAIT - there’s more! -
GET THIS - the only example they can think of to suggest at this time is to:
Mix it with water and add it to the kitty litter and throw it out!!!
OR Call your local friendly police station and ask for assistance.
FU*K - I was mad when I read that. At first my brain could NOT register - I swear - I thought THIS HAS to be a joke!? DESTROY OUR MEDICINE!?
OUR medicine that is saving my sons life!? TAMES my twitch and gives me a BIT of a break! Helps me eat!? Helps Storm function? OUR MEDICINE - OUR Dr. Prescribed!?
AND the only example you can give us instantly makes one think of cat shit!?!
REALLY - I am sure that was intentional and it is appalling!! It is adding insult to injury.
I read it at night before I went to bed, my twitch was full force. The next morning Storm came up to my office, (I was on the computer) I decided NOT to start the day off with talking about it so I kept quiet. He was looking out my office window and he said
AGAIN- HOW DARE YOU!!! NOW you degrade all of us! Turn us into criminals and associate our medicine with cat shit. Yes you did! I’m NOT the only one that has come to this conclusion. YOU OWE EVERY patient on the program an apology! AND our families and our friends!!
Call a police office - yes, sure. SORRY - with stories we see on Youtube, cops beating people for no reason (Barrie). Oh sure, that is my first thought - hmm call the police to help me destroy my marihuana.. duh... Wow, that will be interesting. COME ON!!!
NOW it is CLEAR Health Canada ASSumes everyone they provided a Medical license to grow or use CANNABIS is a criminal. I have friends now that are panicking about running out of meds! You bet people tried to stock up! I HOPE THEY DID!!!
yet we all pay the punishment. FUCK THAT.
TRY to destroy my son’s medicine. THAT YOU DID NOT PROVIDE.
Guess what? MORE on this ‘Joke‘ tomorrow.
PLEASE share - IF it was your child YOU WOULD! PRAY you are never in our situation.
Tell any mom who’s child is being helped by Cannabis to DESTROY IT!
Watch what happens. Then tell them to think of it like catshit..
;(. I can't believe this is our country. As the rest of the world legalize
xox <><