~Dr. Steven Sallan
Nausea and vomiting, whether due to chemotherapy, AIDS treatment, abdominal surgery, or another cause, can be effectively remedied through the use of medical marijuana. Clinical trials and patients' experiences indicate that smoking medical marijuana can both relieve nausea and stimulate the appetites of patients with nausea, reducing the risk of unhealthy weight loss in patients with conditions like cancer and AIDS.
I can tell you first hand that Cannabis is helping me with this. When I got sick 3 years ago I lost so much so quick people did not recognize me, that was o.k. and I needed to lose some weight but there are times when you keep losing and it makes you weak. Still just the thought of food some times makes me sick. I could easily go without eating. I can only eat some days after I medicate. I'm not a Dr., I don't know why it works- all I know is IT DOES! Thank God it does! For people who are very sick - just the thought of a pill and a mouthful of water can be a daunting task!
So the next time you see someone light up - or someone makes a sarcastic remark... let it go- It is NOT thier fault they have been lied to for decades. Just focus on WHAT is making you feel better. That is all that matters. Not what a stranger thinks, or family for that reason, it is your life and you deserve to feel better. What ever it takes. There is a reason Cannabis has BEEN used as a MEDICINE for a very long time.. It works.
xox <><